Presentence Report

Presentence Report


On January 8, 2009 the Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court signed Administrative Order 2009-01.  In the Administrative Order it stated.

“The Committee on Probation (COP), working with the AOC, shall develop a plan to use

evidence-based criminogenic factors in all felony pre-sentence reports. The COP shall

consider ways in which using evidence-based criminogenic factors can appropriately

shorten reports and reduce the time required to prepare these reports. The plan shall be

submitted to the Arizona Judicial Council for its review no later than June 1, 2009.”
A Pre-Sentence workgroup was developed to:
      •    Incorporate evidence based criminogenic factors into report
      •    Shorten the report
      •    Reduce time required to prepare the report

The workgroup members included judges, chief probation officers, division directors, supervisors and those who prepare presentence reports.

The workgroup looked at various presentence reports throughout the state and reports from other states around the country.

The final statewide standardized presentence report incorporated the top criminogenic factors that correlate to risk to reoffend.  Those criminogenic factors were taken directly from the OST and incorporated into the presentence report.  The report also includes relevant social history in the risk/needs assessment section of the report.  The risk level (low, medium, or high) is now included in the report. 




For more information please contact:

Shanda Breed


[email protected]