February 16, 2023

1. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES…………….....Hon. Christopher Staring, Chair

1-A: Review, discussion, and possible action regarding the regular session Minutes of the meeting held on January 23, 2022.


2. OPINIONS………………….…………………………………...………….….......Division Staff 

2-A:  Review, discussion, possible action on E0 11-03 R (Liens, Safefkeeping property). The members asked to appoint a sub-committee when more members are present.

3. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS……………….…………………......……….....Division Staff

3-A: Review, discussion, possible action on E0 91-14 (Conflict of Interest, Financial Assistance to client). A subcommittee was formed previously and will contact the Division when the item is ready to be placed on a meeting agenda for further action.