CASA Staff Pre-Service Training Materials
The materials on this page will help CASA Coordinators and Training Staff prepare & facilitate portions of pre-service training. You will find PowerPoint Presentations, handouts and other various documents needed to run the Academy Welcome (Chapter 1) and Academy Wrap-up (Chapter 8) Sessions. There is also a section with items for those who will be using the Flex Training. Eventually we will also add the Supported Training Materials when they are available.
The CASA Welcome Session and the CASA Wrap-up Session will be facilitated by local county CASA staff. All who are involved in training must have completed a Training of Facilitators class lead by the CASA of Arizona Training Team. The material will need to be delivered as outlined by National CASA. If you have a question or need assistance don’t hesitate to contact the CASA of Arizona staff (Marshalle Manriquez [email protected] or Jessica McCowan [email protected]).
CASA of Arizona will keep this page updated with all current material. As updates are made an email will be sent to alert you to the changes so you can access a new copy..
CASA In-Person Academy Material |
CASA Flex (Blended) Academy Material |
CASA Supported (independent Study) Academy Material |
Available when released by National CASA |