
AZTURBOCOURT Media for Yuma County Justice Courts
The following three sections of HTML code are provided for you to copy and paste into your web pages. There are three different sections of HTML depending on which logo you want to use. The corresponding logos can be found just to the right of the code. If you have any questions about the use of this code or logos please contact the webmaster.
<a target="_blank" href="https://turbocourt.com/go.jsp?act=actShowAppInfo&appcode=elf-arizona-civil&courtcode=Yuma"><img alt="Click Here to start the online filing of a Civil Suit in Yuma County. This site is provided by the Arizona Supreme Court." src="http://www.azcourts.gov/portals/142/images/aztccivilsuits.gif" border="0" width="97" height="105"></a>  Click Here to start the online filing of a Civil Suit in Pinal County. This site is provided by the Arizona Supreme Court
<a target="_blank" href="https://turbocourt.com/go.jsp?act=actShowAppInfo&appcode=elf-arizona-sc&courtcode=Yuma"><img alt="Click Here to start the online filing of Small Claims in Yuma County. This site is provided by the Arizona Supreme Court." src="http://www.azcourts.gov/portals/142/images/aztcsmlclaims.gif" border="0" width="105" height="105"></a>  Click Here to start the online filing of Small Claims in Pinal County. This site is provided by the Arizona Supreme Court
<a target="_blank" href="https://turbocourt.com/go.jsp?act=actShowAppInfo&appcode=elf-arizona-ud&courtcode=Yuma"><img alt="Click Here to start the online filing of an Eviction Action in Yuma County. This site is provided by the Arizona Supreme Court." src="http://www.azcourts.gov/portals/142/images/aztceviction.gif" border="0" width="105" height="105"></a>  Click Here to start the online filing of an Eviction Action in Pinal County. This site is provided by the Arizona Supreme Court


The following section of HTML code below is the "generic" AZTURBOCOURT logo for general eServices. It is provided for you to copy and paste into your web pages when a general eServices logo is required.  Note: Below this logo and HTML is additional media available for use with AZTURBOCOURT marketing.
<a target="_blank" href="http://www.azturbocourt.gov"><img alt="AZTurboCourt.gov provides Internet-based electronic case filing, case information lookup, and online payment capabilities for Arizona’s Municipal, Justice of the Peace, Superior, and Appellate courts. This site is operated by the Arizona Supreme Court." src="http://www.azcourts.gov/portals/142/images/aztcsmlogo.gif" border="0" width="105" height="105"></a>  AZTurboCourt.gov provides Internet-based electronic case filing, case information lookup, and online payment capabilities for Arizona’s Municipal, Justice of the Peace, Superior, and Appellate courts. This site is operated by the Arizona Supreme Court
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 azturbocourt.gov PDF flyer
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