National Crime Victims' Rights Week

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Engaging Communities. Empowering Victims. National Crime Victims' Rights Week, April 19-25, 2015.
Arizona Supreme Court's Commission on Victims in the Courts (COVIC) has been selected to receive the 2015 Arizona Attorney General's Distinguished Service Award in recognition of their outstanding contributions to victims and their tireless efforts on behalf of victims' rights and assistance.  The award was presented at the 2015 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Recognition event on April 21, 2015.

View the nomination letter from former Chief Justice Ruth V. McGregor here.

COVIC advises the Arizona Judicial Council (AJC) by reviewing and submitting policy and procedure recommendations to improve victim access and ensure fair treatment during their involvement in the criminal justice system.
 Arizona Supreme Court Commission on Victims in the Courts Commission Highlights 

Established by Chief Justice Ruth V. McGregor on March 10, 2006

Hon. Ron Reinstein - Chair

Membership consists of professionals in areas for judicial officers, both prosecution and defense attorneys, victim advocacy representatives, court administration, and public members serving 1-3 year staggered terms. 

Current membership list

Focus areas from ACJA Code §1-111

 - Make recommendations regarding training and education for judges and court personnel on victims' rights and treatment of victims;
 - Work to promote the improved collection and disbursement of restitution;
 - Li
aison with other established victims' advocacy organizations while maintaining neutrality;
 - Make other recommendations that preserve victims' constitutional rights and administration of justice

Accomplishments by Focus Areas

Make recommendations regarding training and education for judges and court personnel on victims' rights and treatment of victims.

General Education

 - COVIC Website established in 2006 - links to state and national resources
 - Supported Supreme Court's plan to encourage electronic notification to crime victims
 - Website provides link to register for Superior Court Case Notification System  
Recommended Appellate Court Notification System that provides parties advance notice of the release date for an opinion

Judicial Education

 - Planned 3 hour Victim Rights/Sensitivity Training session held at 2007 judicial conference for 70 judges
 - Enhanced New Judge Orientation
 - Recommended and identified victim panel for victim rights training portion of week-long training
 - Enhanced Court Staff education
 - Provided recommendations to AOC's education services staff to improve training on sensitive topics, particularly Probation Academy materials
 - Provided Victim Rights training at 3 judicial staff education conferences
  - Work to promote  the improved  collection and disbursement of restitution
 - Provided opportunity for superior court judge to speak on successful restitution court to encourage other courts to adopt
 - Submitted rule change recommendation to ensure victims of both adult and juvenile crimes can collect restitution while an appeal is pending
 - Developed and posted a one-stop-shop restitution webpage on the Supreme Court website for victims to gain information on restitution and collection procedures
 - Liaison with other established victims' advocacy organizations while maintaining neutrality
 - Collaborated with Arizona Attorney General's Office by sharing training resource information
 - Coordinated with Arizona Voice for Victims to provide referral and assistance information to crime victim with an issue regarding online court information
 - Make other recommendations that preserve  victims' constitutional rights and administration of justice
 - Encouraged a court to reevaluate its policy of playing tape-recorded message of law­ mandated victim notice requirement rather than live reading.
 - Provided input from a victim perspective at facility planning discussions for a new superior court building (largest in the state).
 - Collaborated with juvenile attorneys to address courts' use of Guardian Ad Litem for child crime victims.  
 - New court rules were enacted to ensure attorney standards.
 - Coordinated with Arizona Court of Appeals to seek removal of full victim names in online versions of written opinions in over 300 cases to help limit further victimization.
 - Successfully submitted rule change petition to protect vulnerable crime victims' identities by requiring court documents to only reflect initials or pseudonyms in place of a victim's full name if the victim was a minor at the time of the offense or victim of a sexual offense.