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Judicial Reports

Commission number votes may vary based upon abstentions. Voting abstentions are procedural matters within the
Commission and should not be viewed in any way as a negative factor with respect to a judge's performance.

Hon. Howard D. Sukenic2022   Litigant Witness Survey Responses
Key:    SU = Superior       VG = Very Good       SA = Satisfactory       PO = Poor       UN = Unsatisfactory      
1. IntegrityNum.Pct.Num.Pct.Num.Pct.Num.Pct.Num.Pct.
  1. Basic fairness and impartiality210%420%210%315%945%2.65200
  2. Equal treatment regardless of race18%00%18%217%867%3.33120
  3. Equal treatment regardless of gender212%212%212%212%953%2.82170
  4. Equal treatment regardless of religion18%00%217%217%758%3.17120
  5. Equal treatment regardless of national origin19%00%19%327%655%3.18110
  6. Equal treatment regardless of disability110%00%110%220%660%3.20100
  7. Equal treatment regardless of age18%00%217%217%758%3.17120
  8. Equal treatment regardless of sexual orientation00%00%330%220%550%3.20100
  9. Equal treatment regardless of economic status18%00%431%323%538%2.85130
Category Total109%65%1815%2118%6253%3.02117
2. Communication
  10. Explained proceedings00%419%629%15%1048%2.81210
  11. Explained reasons for delays00%427%320%00%853%2.80150
Category Total00%822%925%13%1850%2.8136
3. Temperament
  12. Understanding and compassion421%211%15%211%1053%2.63190
  13. Dignified317%16%211%211%1056%2.83180
  14. Courteous211%317%211%211%950%2.72180
  15. Conduct that promotes public confidence in the court317%211%16%211%1056%2.78180
  16. Patient315%15%525%15%1050%2.70200
Category Total1516%910%1112%910%4953%2.7393
4. Admin Performance
  17. Punctual in conducting proceedings00%15%525%420%1050%3.15200
  18. Maintained proper control of courtroom15%00%733%314%1048%3.00210
  19. Was prepared for the proceedings15%419%419%15%1152%2.81210
Category Total23%58%1626%813%3150%2.9862