How to apply for externships with the Court of Appeals,
Division One

Each semester the Arizona Court of Appeals invites students
who are 18 and older to apply for externships.

What does an extern do?

The duties of an extern depend on the department where they
work. Externs who work with the Clerk of the Court’s office
typically assist with archiving past cases. This project gives
an overview of how a case file is constructed, and externs learn
about how cases are processed in the Court. Externs are given
an opportunity to observe oral arguments and learn more about case

Externs who work with judges will typically help with research
for cases assigned to judicial chambers. They may also be given
an opportunity to help Law Clerks write draft recommended
decisions. Externs in judicial chambers may also attend oral arguments.

How do I apply for an externship?

Applications can be submitted through your school’s career
services department or resumes can be sent to the Court’s HR
office at [email protected] .

When applying, please include a cover letter and resume.
Indicate which externship opportunity you are interested in
(Clerk’s office, judicial chambers, or specific judge).