About JPR
Judicial Performance Evaluation
In 1992 Arizona voters amended the state Constitution to create a process for evaluating the performance of judges appointed through merit selection. The Constitution requires that the performance evaluation process include input from the public and that judicial performance reports be given to the voters before the state's general election. The Commission on Judicial Performance Review (JPR Commission) was created to conduct the periodic performance reviews of appointed judges required by the Constitution. The JPR Commission works under rules adopted by the Supreme Court and their set standards for judicial performance including whether judges chave command of relevant substantive law, treat people with respect and manage a courtroom.
How Do Voters Evaluate the Judges?
Under the performance evaluation process, public input about each judge's performance is collected through surveys conducted by jurors, witnesses, litigants, people who represent themselves in court, attorneys and court staff who have observed the judge at work. This input is then used to rate aspects of each judge's performance. The public has the key role in the performance review process, as the JPR Commission uses the public input to decide whether each judge subject to retention election "Meets" or "Does Not Meet" judicial performance standards. The Commission reports its decision and the information collected from the surveys in the Secretary of State Voter Information Pamphlet and on this website. Voters can use the JPR Commission's findings and data reports to decide how they will vote on each judge on the retention ballot.
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Check out our short video and then use the information on this website to learn about the judges you'll be voting on so you can be an informed voter. |
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