In a partnership with the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family, the Arizona Supreme Court/Adult Probation Services Division launched the Adult Probation Support Services (APSS) AmeriCorps Program in the fall of 2016. The APSS AmeriCorps program is funded by an agreement with the Governor’s Commission on Service and Volunteerism and the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), under the State and National program umbrella.
What is AmeriCorps?
AmeriCorps is a National Service program that is similar to the Peace Corps. U.S. Citizens agree to serve a term of service and, after successfully completing service, they are eligible to receive an educational award. There are AmeriCorps programs across the country meeting all kinds of community needs, ranging from tutoring children to refurbishing houses for the needy to doing environmental work. Besides GETTING THINGS DONE (the AmeriCorps motto), Members also try to encourage citizens to give something back in their own community.
What is the Adult Probation Support Service AmeriCorps Program (APSS)?
The Arizona Supreme Court /Adult Probation Services Division (APSD) oversees the effective statewide administration of adult probation programs and services in accordance with statutory and administrative guidelines. This division interacts with the courts, probation departments, and a variety of non-court agencies and organizations throughout Arizona. The Arizona Supreme Court and the Adult Probation Services Division is also the grantee of the federal grant that the APSS Program operates under. The APSD partners with County Adult Probation Departments to place Members that serve in various capacities to assist with capacity building and service delivery with the adult population that are under community supervision. Members in the APSS Program also assist Probation Departments that operate local community youth centers, Members provide oversight of programming, homework assistance and other activities that benefit the local community.
Who are AmeriCorps Members?
AmeriCorps Members are dedicated to make people safer, stronger and healthier; to strengthen communities; and to Get Things Done for America. Approximately 75,000 Americans across the country participate in AmeriCorps each year. All of them tackle various community needs in different ways.
Generally speaking, anyone can qualify to become an AmeriCorps Member. If you are at least 18 years of age, a US Citizen, have a High School Diploma and can pass a background check you qualify in most programs around the county.
AmeriCorps Members who serve through the Arizona Supreme Court / AmeriCorps Probation Support Services Program (APSS) are Members that have committed to a term of service of at least 300 hours or 450 hours. As an incentive for their commitment to this National Service Program, they will receive a modest living allowance stipend while in service with APSS and upon completion of a term of service can be eligible for an educational award.
To learn more about AmeriCorps from a national perspective watch this video here
AmeriCorps - The Best of America - YouTube or visit
AmeriCorps Member Positions with Arizona Supreme Court