Interested Vendors

Information and Registration

The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) Juvenile Justice Services Division (JJSD) of the Arizona Supreme Court contracts for the full continuum of juvenile treatment and diversion services on behalf of the county juvenile probation departments. Adult probation departments may also access services under contract for transferred youth on adult probation. There are three steps to the registration process.


For contract purposes, the AOC/JJSD categorize vendors as either an Independent Practitioner or Full Procurement Agency. Please review the description for each listed below and identify which category represents you.

Independent Practitioner

Definition: Independent Practitioners shall be considered one of the following:

  • A Sole proprietor
  • A partnership of any legal type where one or both partners are the proposed service delivery professionals.

If you are part of an Independent Practice Association, the AOC/JJSD will not contract for services with the association, but will consider each qualified individual independently when his/her application is submitted accordingly.

Any vendor contracted as an Independent Practitioner may not subcontract any contracted service to another party. Please note that support staff, medical billing staff or other like personnel, DO NOT affect the legal organization of a sole proprietor or partnership for contract purposes.

Full Procurement Agency

Definition: An agency is considered a Full Procurement Agency if they meet the following criteria below:

1.     Are registered with the Arizona Corporation Commission as one of the following:
        a.  A Limited Liability Company
        b.  A Professional Liability Company
        c. A For-Profit (business) Corporation
        d. A Non-Profit (business) Corporation

2.   Operates as a business entity that utilizes employed staff and/or subcontractors to provide direct services
3.   Licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Service (ADHS) or the Arizona Department of Child Safety (ADCS).  

*Please Note: Licensure may not be required for agencies only providing Delinquency Prevention/Intervention Services.

Pre-Qualification Requirement

A business organization that fits under the "Full Procurement Agency" designation must be administratively qualified to respond to an AOC/JJSD Solicitation or submit any application concerning service provision. The AOC/JJSD will consider a "Full Procurement Agency" administratively qualified if they meet any one of the following national accreditations listed below or if they successfully complete the AOC/JJSD pre-qualification process.

National Accreditations

  • The Joint Commission
  • Council on Accreditation (COA)
  • Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)

Please Note: Laboratories are not required to be administratively qualified, but are subject to licensure/certification requirements.



Please be advised that Interested Vendor Registration is not a formal application process for contract consideration. Vendors who complete the Interested Vendor Registration are placed on a mailing list for notification of upcoming solicitation and/or contracting opportunities. Please complete the last step in the Interested Vendor Registration process by clicking the "Registration" button below. Thank you for your interest in serving the children and families involved in the Arizona Juvenile Court System.



The next step in the process is to complete the Vendor Service Proposal form and review the AOC Service Specification for the services that are available for contracting. The AOC Service Specification will provide you with the requirements and the rate for the service.

Vendor Service Proposal Form
AOC Service Specifications page

Once the AOC determines that there is a county need for your proposed service, we will advise you to proceed with Step 3, as follows.


This step applies to those vendors that meet the "Full Procurement Agency" criteria listed above in Step 1. If you are an interested vendor and meet the criteria for an "Independent Practitioner", please proceed.

  • Vendors that are not nationally accredited must complete and submit an AOC Pre-Qualification Application to the AOC within 60 days of registering as an Interested Vendor. You may access the AOC Pre-Qualification Application in Portable Document Format (PDF) via the below link. Please save a copy of the document to your computer and proceed to Step 3 to complete the Interested Vendor Registration process.

        Pre-Qualification Application

  • Vendors that are nationally accredited by Joint Commission, COA, or CARF are not required to complete the AOC Pre-Qualification Application process; however, documentation of accreditation must be faxed to the AOC upon submission of the interested vendor registration. Please fax documentation of accreditation to Attn: Contracts Unit at (602) 452-3879 and clearly indicate on the fax cover sheet "Interested Vendor Accreditation Documentation".

Vendors that are approved through the AOC pre-qualification process and/or provide documentation of accreditation will receive notification of upcoming solicitation opportunities, after completing interested vendor registration.