
Juvenile Courts throughout the State of Arizona are integrating Evidence-based Practice (EBP) in probation supervision, case management and the treatment of youth. Research indicates integration of EBP across these areas improves efficiency in managing youth in the Juvenile Justice System and reliably produces sustained reductions in recidivism and improved public safety. It is essential that treatment programs designed for delinquent youth must target factors of EBP such as risk, criminogenic need and responsivity. Collaborative and systemic efforts to integrate EBP throughout probation, case management and the treatment process increase the likelihood for exceptional outcomes with the juvenile justice population.


The Arizona Supreme Court, Juvenile Justice Services Division (ASC/JJSD) contracts with both Full Procurement Agencies and Independent Practitioners for the provision of statewide juvenile treatment services. There are two contracting processes that vendors may participate in for the procurement of services.

Solicitation for Treatment Services

A statewide solicitation using a Request for Proposal (RFP) is conducted every five (5) years under an open and completive bid process. Existing and new vendors may propose services using the AOC Service Specification and application found online.


Interested Vendors requesting to receive notification of upcoming solicitations must complete and submit interested vendor registration.

Open & Continuous Contracting

The annual Open & Continuous (O&C), contracting process occurs only when there is an imminent need for service(s) that is not being fulfilled by current contracted services and/or vendors. This process is largely reserved to satisfy service needs in rural areas of the state.


The Vendor Service Proposal Form must be used to submit the Open and Continuous Contract Application for consideration.

Open & Continuous Application  .  Once you open this document, please save/download to your computer before completing. Please submit the completed application to the ASC/JJSD within 60 days of retrieval.


Vendors awarded an AOC Contract through either contracting process shall perform the services according to the AOC Standard Terms & Conditions for Full Procurement Agencies or Independent Practitioners, Invoice Billing ManualService Specifications and any contractual special terms and conditions, if applicable. Contract terms run a five (5) year cycle. Contractors are required to submit annual Diversity, Performance Outcome reporting, and Annual Personnel list where applicable, upon the close of each fiscal year.

Downloadable Contract & Monitoring Documents

AOC Standard Terms & Conditions for Independent Practitioners
AOC Standard Terms & Conditions for Full Procurement
AOC Invoice Billing Manual

AOC Digital Invoice
AOC Criminal History Affidavit
W-9 Form
AOC Incident Report Form