Incident Reporting
An incident is defined by the ASC/AOC as any unusual or significant event involving client(s) and/or staff, which requires notification to the designated authorities. Reporting incidents is a contractual requirement that provides a method for contracted vendors to document and share details of events that may impact the health, safety and welfare of ASC/AOC clients and related actions taken to address the incident.
Contracted vendors must report Incidents involving clients served under the Contract and other youth as outlined in the AOC Standard Terms & Conditions. In addition, the Contractor shall ensure mandatory reporting to law enforcement and/or Child Protective Services is conducted pursuant to A.R.S. §13-3620 and shall report incidents as required by law, licensing regulations and agency policy (as applicable).
Contracted vendors must use the AOC Incident Reporting Form to report incidents to the ASC/AOC. The written reports must contain the information specified and be submitted within required time frames in accordance with the AOC Standards.
It is important to become familiar with the incident reporting requirements outlined in the current AOC Standard Terms & Conditions for Full Procurement (FP) or AOC Standard Terms & Conditions for Independent Practitioners (IP) , as applicable, to facilitate contractual compliance. The following points reference specific sections in Paragraphs 62 (FP) or 50 (IP) of the ASC/AOC incident reporting requirements:
AOC Incident Reporting Form
Vendor Performance Report
The Vendor Performance Report (VPR) is a form completed by interested parties to report a concern regarding the performance of a Juvenile Justice service provider with the Arizona Supreme Court/Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC). Any VPR submitted about a provider that does not hold a current AOC/JJSD contract will not be addressed and should be directed to the appropriate licensing agency.
Concerns may include: services being provided, the provider's direct staff, concerns with the facility, lack of responses to inquiries about the juvenile or issues that have been addressed with the provider but are unresolved. All VPR forms submitted about AOC providers/agencies will be reviewed and addressed accordingly.