Electronic Invoice


Administrative Office of the Courts
Juvenile Justice Services Division


To:          JJSD Contracted Vendors for Contract Year 2021-22

From:     Holli Ann Sanger-Alarco, LPC, JJSD Program Manager
Date:      July 30, 2021

Re:          AOC Invoice and Credit Memo Numbering System

Hello AOC Contracted Service Providers! 

As of September 1, 2021, the AOC will no longer provide invoice numbers. Instead, Providers will now create their own, unique invoice numbers using the following AOC mandated format:

Invoice numbers will begin with the Provider’s contract number followed by a hyphen, and an up-to six-digit invoice number. Providers are required to utilize unique numbers for each invoice. Invoices submitted with duplicated numbers will be stopped by the counties, returned for resubmission, and will significantly delay your payment.  Having the Provider’s contract number as a prefix will avoid duplication and allow AOC Finance to track invoices by provider.

Further, the AOC will no longer provide credit memo numbers when credit memos are required. Credit memos will reference the original invoice number that was submitted for the services rendered whose payment is being remitted and be preceded by the initials “CM” (signifying Credit Memo).

For detailed instructions on when, where and how to complete and submit your AOC Invoices for services rendered each month, please consult the AOC Invoice & Billing Manual, it is also located on our website. The only change is in regard to the numbering of invoices, as explained above.

Thank you for your service to the youth and families of Arizona!