Juvenile Probation Services Fund

The Juvenile Probation Services (JPS) Fund provides funding for programs to assist juveniles on probation to meet the terms of their probation, enhance accountability, provide community safety, enhance skill development, change behavior, and reduce recidivism. Programs under contract include a continuum of services including assessment and evaluation, outpatient services, juvenile drug courts, mentoring, tutoring, drug testing and out-of-home care options such as shelter care, group homes, residential and foster care.

In addition to youth requiring service in the juvenile system, the fund also provides service to transferred youth who have been transferred to the Adult Court and placed on probation.  Services are provided to transferred youth through the same provider network under contract with the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) serving juvenile court youth.  Transferred youth require similar types of interventions as juvenile court youth but primary probation supervision is provided by the adult probation system.

research on treatment effectiveness indicates community-based programs have an appreciable effect on recidivism when they are research or evidence-based, intensive, apply a cognitive-behavioral, or multi-treatment approach and are tailored to meet the juvenile offender's risk level and offense.  JJSD contracts for programs that include the above elements and makes them available to the juvenile probation departments for their use in impacting youth and families and reducing recidivism.

The AOC and the County Probation Departments manage this fund on a monthly basis through utilization and financial management processes.