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Arizona Judicial Council

The Arizona Judicial Council (AJC) is a policy-making body that oversees the judicial system in Arizona. AJC was created in 1990 and, in accordance with Arizona Code of Judicial Administration §1-104, assists the Supreme Court and the Chief Justice in the development and implementation of policies and procedures for the administration of all courts, uniformity in court operations, and coordination of court services that will improve the administration of justice in the state of Arizona.

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Path to the Creation of AJC

In 1960, Arizona voters approved an amendment to the state constitution that clearly placed the responsibility for the overall administration of Arizona's court system upon the Arizona Supreme Court.

In 1978, the Supreme Court created the Council on Judicial Administration to recommend administrative policies and procedures designed to accomplish the full and complete integration of the Arizona court system.

In 1988, Chief Justice Frank X. Gordon signed Administrative Order 88-06, creating the Commission on the Courts to ensure that all Arizonans are entitled to a justice system that:

  • Resolves criminal charges and civil disputes between citizens fairly and without undue delay;
  • Employs modern management and technology to facilitate its task of providing justice is accountable for its work;
  • Receives the human and technical resources it needs to perform its mission and manages those resources to maximize its effectiveness and minimize waste;
  • Is able to respond to foreseeable and unforeseeable social, technological, demographic, and environmental changes;

In 1989, the Commission on the Courts recommended that a judicial council be established to oversee the administration of the state's court system to help alleviate some of the administrative burden placed on the Court.

The Court determined that the court system would be best served by restructuring the existing Council on Judicial Administration.

In 1990, by Administrative Order 90-13, the Arizona Judicial Council was established.


Contact Us

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Arizona Judicial Council.

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Arizona Supreme Court
Administrative Office of the Courts
1501 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ 85007-3232