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Juvenile Law
Cases involving juveniles.

The juvenile court is a special division within the superior court that hears cases involving adoption, juvenile delinquency and incorrigibility, termination of parental rights, emancipation, and related matters.

Cases involving juvenile traffic offenders may be heard by a court other than the juvenile court, if the presiding judge of the county allows it.



Vacating Juvenile Monetary Obligations

Beginning October 30, 2023, an individual may request that the court vacate (cancel) certain eligible monetary obligations imposed on a juvenile or the juvenile’s parent or guardian before October 30, 2023. Unpaid supervision fees, diversion costs, detention costs, and other monetary obligations are eligible to be vacated. Courts cannot vacate victim restitution, fines, penalties, and certain assessments. Find out more about the process and what monetary obligations can be vacated.



Restoring Firearm

The Juvenile Justice Services Division provides data to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) to report juveniles who have been adjudicated for a felony—once the person reaches 18 years of age. In legal terms, they are considered a “prohibited possessor,” which means they are a person who has lost their right to possess or carry a firearm. Individuals who were charged with felonies as juveniles must apply for the restoration of their firearm rights.




The Arizona laws on juveniles include adoption, emancipation, juvenile court, juvenile offenders, custody, child welfare and placement, children’s camp, legitimacy of children, and dependent children. These laws can be found in the Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated beginning with A.R.S. § 8-101.

Also available at: http://www.azleg.gov/arsDetail/?title=8

Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court