Publications & Reports

The Arizona Administrative Office of the Courts and the Arizona Supreme Court produce a variety of publications and resources for the public and stakeholders to educate and inform about the work of the Arizona Judicial Branch.  Below are some of those reports as well as outside resources.

COVID-19 Reports

Version 2.0 In-Courthouse COVID-19 Exposure or Symptoms Protocol
(July 2020)
Sets forth a recommended protocol for courts to address in-courthouse COVID-19 exposure or symptoms by a participant in Arizona State Courts.

Jury Management Subgroup of the COVID-19 Continuity of Court Operations During a Public Health Emergency Workgroup Best Practice Recommendations Report 

(June 2020)
Many of these precautions and recommendations will be implemented on a temporary basis, subject to change based on CDC guidance, user experience, and local court discretion.

COVID-19 Jury Service
Arizona courts take public health and safety seriously and have implemented aggressive policies to prevent the risk of infection for jurors and other court users. 

Recommended Remote and In-Person Hearings in Arizona State Courts in the Post-Pandemic World (February 2022)
The Plan-B Workgroup made recommendations about which court hearings should be held remotely and which should be in person in the post-pandemic world. 

Committee/Commissions Final Reports

Task Force on Issuing Search Warrants

October 2021

The Task Force was established to review the process for issuing no-knock and nighttime search warrants in Arizona.


Task Force on the Delivery of Legal Services Report and Recommendations
October 2019

The Task Force made ten recommendations to improve the delivery of legal services in Arizona.

Capital Sentencing Provisions
June 2019
The Guide summarizes all Arizona Supreme Court opinions interpreting aggravating and mitigating circumstances since Furman v. Georgia, 408 U.S. 238 (1972).

Fair Justice for Persons with Mental Illness: Improving the Court's Response
October 2018
Recognizing the immediate importance of addressing mental health issues in state courts, Arizona established the Fair Justice Subcommittee on Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System to develop “recommendations designed to promote a more efficient and effective justice system for those individuals who come to court and are in need of behavioral health services.”

Justice for All: Report and Recommendations of the Task Force on Fair Justice for All: Court-Ordered Fines, Penalties, Fees, and Pretrial Release Policies
August 2016

Access to justice and fair justice have been key concerns for Arizona’s court system.  This report outlines the fair justice initiatives and reforms that took place in 2019.

Guide to Funding Options for Court Facilities
February 2014
This report was compiled from a review of the literature on court facility funding, and information provided by court administrators and consultants from the National Center for State Courts.

Inactive Committee/Commission Reports page
Use this page this view final reports from past committee work.

Annual Reports/Updates

Fill the Gap Annual Reports

This report outlines the efforts sought to provide consulting assistance and direct aid to improve criminal case processing at the superior and justice court levels.


Criminal Code Sentencing Charts

Criminal cases involve the commission of acts that are prohibited by law and are punishable by probation, fines, imprisonment — even death. The attorney representing the state, county or municipal government that formally accuses an individual of committing a crime is the prosecutor. The party charged with the crime is the defendant.


Arizona Juvenile Court Counts
The Juvenile Justice Services Division regularly produces manuals, publications, reports and research material.

Legislative Update
This website provides updates for enacted legislation, including a summary and implementation impact, for each bill of interest to the court community passed in the current session of the legislature.

COVID-19 Judicial Branch Updates
The impact of Coronavirus varies within the state, and the level of response and adjustment will vary. Updates will be posted to this website and on the Court’s social media outlets.