Expedited Election Cases
An independent, fair and impartial judiciary is indispensable to our system of justice. Arizona’s judges must comply with the Arizona Code of Judicial Conduct, Rule 2.4, which states:
RULE 2.4. External Influences on Judicial Conduct
(A) A judge shall not be swayed by partisan interests, public clamor, or fear of criticism.
(B) A judge shall not permit family, social, political, financial, or other interests or relationships to influence the judge’s judicial conduct or judgment.
(C) A judge shall not convey or permit others to convey the impression that any person or organization is in a position to influence the judge.
An independent judiciary requires that judges decide cases according to the law and facts, without regard to whether particular laws or litigants are popular or unpopular with the public, the media, government officials, or the judge’s friends or family. Confidence in the judiciary is eroded if judicial decision making is perceived to be subject to inappropriate outside influences. |
To provide timely, efficient access to court information through a centralized location, this page contains information and links related to election matters of high interest to the public that are before the Arizona Supreme Court, as authorized by Arizona Supreme Court Rule 123(g)(3).
Remote electronic access shall be conditioned upon the user's agreement to access the information only as instructed by the court, not to attempt any unauthorized access, and to consent to monitoring by the court of all use of the system. The court is not liable for inaccurate or untimely information, or for misinterpretation or misuse of the information.
This website does not limit the public’s right of access to records at a court facility. The information and documents available here should not be relied upon as an official record of action. For official records, please contact the Clerk of the Arizona Supreme Court at (602) 452-3396.
Copies of documents filed with the Arizona Supreme Court are accessible below.
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