Arizona Tax Court Case Filings Chart

Arizona Tax Court Case Filings chart graphic

The Arizona Tax Court serves as the statewide venue for all civil actions involving a tax, impost or assessment.

  • A total of 1,343 original cases were filed in the court during FY 2013, a  decrease of 26.4% from the 1,825 cases filed in FY 2012.
  • Of the 1,343 FY 2013 original cases filed, 1,154 were property tax actions, accounting for 85.9% of the total original filings.
  • A total of 1,890 cases were terminated, 852 or 45.1% by judgment.  Cases terminated by judgement decreased 9.7% from FY 2012.
  • As of June 30, 2013, there were 1,195 cases pending in the tax court.  Total cases pending decreased 29.2% from FY 2012.