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Adult Probation Data Dashboards:

Risk Level County Summary Adult Probation Population Recidivism

Risk Level County Summary

The interactive dashboard provides the current assessed risk levels for probationers on standard probation supervision (SPS), intensive probation supervision (IPS), and unsupervised supervision levels for the Adult Probation Department in each county.

Arizona Adult Probation Population

For purposes of funding and caseload ratios of 65:1 that are reported to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) categorizes a subset of those on probation as “direct supervision” cases. Probationers who are not included in the direct supervision count include individuals categorized as being on administrative supervision or indirect supervision.


This report reflects persons exiting probation during FY 2018 and the number of those persons who were NOT charged with a new offense and were not involved with the Arizona Superior Court’s presentence process and/or case supervision.

Scientific learning is impossible without evidence.

For further information on how a direct case is defined, please refer to Arizona Code of Judicial Administration (ACJA) Section 6-201.01: Standard Probation Evidence Based Practice and ACJA Section 6-202.01: Intensive Probation Supervision Evidence-Based Practices.

Contact Us

For additional information, please contact:

Matias Nevarez
Data Statistical Specialist

[email protected]
(602) 452-3469

Arizona Supreme Court
Administrative Office of the Court
1501 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ 85007
For troubleshooting assistance, contact [email protected]