March 5, 2024

1)   REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES….................Hon. Justice John R. Lopez IV, Chair


1-A:    Review, discussion, and possible action regarding the regular session minutes of the meeting held on December 5, 2023.


2)  REVIEW AND POSSIBLE ACTION…………….................................................Division Staff


     2-A:     Review, discussion, and possible action regarding Petition to Amend Rule 36,
                Arizona Rules of the Supreme Court related to a violation of Order of Conditional


3)  ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS…………….……….…………..……………..................Division Staff


3-A:    Update regarding filing of petitions for Rules 33(b) and 33.1(c) (R-23-0052) and Rules 34, 38 and 39 (R-23-0053).


3-B:    Review, discussion, and possible action on ARC Annual Report.


3:C     Review, discussion and possible action regarding updated meeting schedule.


3:D     Update regarding NextGen implementation workgroup.