Disciplinary Cases Matrix

In considering the appropriate sanction for violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct, the Supreme Court of Arizona uses the American Bar Association's Standards for Imposing Lawyer Sanctions and a review of past cases involving similar misconduct.

The Disciplinary Cases Matrix includes all disciplinary decisions of the Supreme Court of Arizona, except reciprocal cases, consents to disbarment,  transfers to disability/inactive status and reinstatement cases, from 1986 to present. For the years 1981-1985 only suspension and disbarment cases are listed.

Note: The files below are presented in "PDF" format.
Disciplinary Cases Matrix
1981-1985PDF 1986PDF 1987PDF 1988PDF 1989PDF 1990PDF
1991PDF 1992PDF 1993PDF 1994PDF 1995PDF 1996PDF
1997PDF 1998PDF 1999PDF 2000PDF 2001PDF 2002PDF
2003PDF 2004PDF 2005PDF 2006PDF 2007PDF 2008PDF
2009PDF 2010PDF        
Beginning January 1, 2011 all formal attorney discipline cases are being processed through the office of the Presiding Disciplinary Judge.  

You may search PDJ Decisions at http://www.azcourts.gov/pdj or you may contact the Disciplinary Clerk at 602-452-3467