October 26, 2023

  1. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES....................Hon. Christopher Staring, Chair

1-A: Review, discussion, and possible action regarding the regular session minutes of the meeting held on August 31, 2023.


  1. OPINIONS......................................................................Division Staff

2-A: Update regarding status of EO-20-0010: regarding communication with family and friends. 


2-B: Update regarding status of EO-21-0001: regarding fee sharing by lawyers.


2-C: Review, discussion and action regarding EO-20-0009: If a lawyer is discharged by client for any reason – or withdraws- are they are only entitled to reasonable value of services before discharge.


2-D: Review, discussion and possible action regarding EO-21-0002 (ER 4.2) :draft rule change petition requesting an amendment to ER 4.2 addressing the circumstances under which a lawyer may contact public officials without the consent of the government’s lawyer, which was prepared in response to Opinion Request EO-21-0002.