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Fines/Fees and Restitution Enforcement (FARE) Program
What Is the FARE Program?

The Fines/Fees and Restitution Enforcement (FARE) Program is a statewide initiative of the Arizona Judicial branch. The program was developed in 2003 to assist Arizona courts with the compliance of monetary court orders. Courts are given the ability to assign outstanding debt associated to civil traffic, criminal traffic and criminal violations. The program is a public/private partnership between the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), the Motor Vehicle Division, Arizona Department of Revenue, Arizona Lottery, Arizona Department of Gaming and a private vendor.


Program Goals
Compliance with and Respect for Court Orders and the Law. That means providing courts with additional tools to enforce court orders. Enhanced Customer Service. That means providing citizens with easily accessible and additional information on what is expected for compliance, and the sanctions for failure to take the appropriate action.
Consistency and Uniformity in Case Processing. That means making justice more equitable by more consistent enforcement of court orders statewide. Efficiencies. That means outsourcing select parts of the collections process will reduce routine, nonjudicial functions, allowing court staff to focus their time on customer service and case processing.
Arizona Code of Judicial Administration (ACJA) / Administrative Orders (AO) / Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS)

ACJA § 5-205: Collections

AO 2009-29: AJC adopts ACJA § 5-205

AO 2023-195: AJC adopts amendments to ACJA § 5-205

ACJA § 3-401 and § 4-301: Priority of Payments

AO 2023-190: AJC adopts amendments to ACJA § 4-301

ACJA § 1-401: Minimum Accounting Standards

ACJA § 1-501: Court Automation Standards, including Public Access

AO 2019-78: Facilitating the Imposition and Collection of Court-Ordered Financial Obligations

ARS § 12-116.03: Collection Agencies

AO 2003-126: Establishes FARE (updating 2003-79)

AO 2003-79: Original Order Establishing FARE

ARS § 28-1630; § 28-1631; § 28-1632; § 28-1633; § 28-1634; § 28-1635; § 28-1636: Traffic Ticket Enforcement Assistance Program (TTEAP)

Payment Options
You may make a payment on the FARE payment website, or by phone on the FARE Interactive Voice Response line.
(866) 859-2527