Mission Statement


The Foster Care Review Board is established by Arizona statute to review at least every six months the case of each child in foster care.  The purpose of these reviews is to determine and advise the juvenile court of the adequacy of efforts and progress toward placement of the child in a permanent home; to encourage and facilitate the return of each dependent child to his/her family whenever possible; to promote and encourage stability in the child's placement; to assist in informing parents and others of their rights and responsibilities regarding a dependent child in foster care; and through the State Board, to make recommendations to the Supreme Court, the Governor, and the legislature regarding foster care.


The mission of the Foster Care Review Board is based upon a belief that each child has a right to and is deserving of a permanent home that provides nurturing, love and protection.  Toward this end, the mission of the Foster Care Review Board is accomplished in an atmosphere of trust, with dignity and respect maintained through participatory involvement of all those having interest in the welfare of the child.  Though the plan for each child must be tempered by a reality of what may be attainable from resources available, the best interest of the child always remains of paramount importance to the Foster Care Review Board.


Foster Care Review Board citizen members voluntarily serve by judicial appointment, pursuant to Arizona statute, to review the cases of children in foster care.  Because of the special trust and confidence conferred and the responsibility placed upon Foster Care Review Board members, those so appointed to this public trust shall at all times observe the highest standards of integrity, commitment and respect for others.  Foster Care Review Board members will keep secure any and all information of a confidential nature that is presented to them unless disclosure is required in the performance of official duties.  Each board member is expected to be fully prepared to review each and every case assigned to their board, to attend all scheduled board reviews and required training sessions, to assume positions of board leadership when called upon by fellow board members, and to follow the policies and rules established by the State Board and the Arizona Supreme Court.  Consequently, only those people who are willing to abide by these principles and standards of conduct will be nominated for appointment or recommended for retention; conversely, failure to abide may result in a recommendation to the court for removal from the board.