Foster Care Review Board Member
Attendance Policy
The goal of the Foster Care Review Board is to properly review the case of each child in an out-of-home placement and involved in a dependency proceeding. To achieve this end each board is, to the maximum extent feasible, constituted to represent the various socioeconomic, racial and ethnic groups of the county in which it serves. Therefore, consistent attendance at regularly scheduled board meetings is vital to effective reviews.
The following guidelines determine inadequate attendance and may constitute grounds to request removal from a board.
- Three (3) consecutive meetings are missed; or
- Missing more than a third of scheduled meetings (Ex. board meets 6 times per year, can miss no more than 2 boards).
- Dismissal of a review board member is contingent on notification and approval by the Presiding Juvenile Court Judge in the board member's county of residence.
Additional guidelines include:
- An absence cannot be "made-up" by substitution on another board.
- There are no "excused" absences from a board. Prior notification of a planned absence is considered an "absence."
- Consistent, partial attendance which is detrimental to the functioning of the board does not satisfy the attendance policy.
- Board members seeking an Attendance Waiver or Leave of Absence must submit a written request to their assigned Program Specialist. Your Program Specialist will walk you through the process. The request will be submitted to the State Board Executive Committee to review and approve.
Foster Care Review Board Member
Training Policy
It shall be the responsibility of all board members to attain and maintain professional competence through child welfare related education programs or other programs which enhance the role of the Foster Care Review Board (FCRB) member. A variety of learning methods may be utilized in fulfilling the requirements (please refer to the FCRB Training Guidelines). These training and educational requirements shall be fulfilled within the Arizona Supreme Court calendar year.
- All persons appointed to a local FCRB are required to attend New Board Member Orientation. Each board member is required to attend orientation within six months of their appointment.
- Board members shall complete a minimum of six (6) hours of approved individual educational offerings.
- Members who fail to comply with the training standards shall be subject to a recommendation to the local Presiding Juvenile Court Judge for rescission of their appointment.
- Selected educational programs should enhance knowledge, proficiency and performance, thus enabling each reviewer to actively and competently participate in the review process and formulate recommendations to the court.
- These programs should impart understanding of the local and national child welfare systems and the legal process and should increase a board member's understanding of FCRB responsibilities and its impact on the judicial process.
- Training forms and supporting documentation must be filled out and submitted to the assigned Program Specialist for each board.
- All forms must be signed and dated and submitted within 45 days of the training.
- Certificates, if provided by the trainers, must be included. Sometimes volunteers need to wait a few days to receive the certificate.
- The date on the certificate needs to match the date of the training.
- If a certificate is not provided, other training material must be attached (i.e., syllabus, agenda, etc.).
- The quality of images needs to be clear and not distorted. If you are not able to send clear images that can be printed, please mail in your training form(s).
- Training forms are not required if the training is provided by the FCRB, CASA or Court Improvement programs and sign in sheets are used.
- FCRB staff must verify the training is appropriate for volunteers.