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Emancipation of a Minor
Petitioning the court to become emancipated.

Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 12, Chapter 15, provides the ability for a child of 16 years or older to petition the court to become emancipated from their parents. In order for the petition to be granted, the petitioner must meet a number of criteria indicating that he or she is able to be independent.


Fee Waiver and Deferral

If you are unable to pay the filing fees, you have options. Go to the Fee Waiver and Deferral page to find out more.


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The forms available on this site are generic and may be accepted by courts statewide. Please note that each court might have their own preferred forms. You can visit AZCourtHelp.org for more information about court-specific forms.
Emancipation of a Minor Forms
Form Title Form No.
Information on Emancipation in Arizona JE1H
Juvenile Emancipation Information Sheet JE10F
Motion to Seal Court Record (Request to Keep Information Confidential) JEMS10F
Petition for Emancipation of a Minor JE12F
Instructions: How to Fill Out the Petition for Emancipation of a Minor JE12I
Consent to Emancipation of a Minor JE13F
Instructions: Service of Petition and Proof of Service Filing AOCJVJESV1I
Proof of Service AOCJVJESV2F
Response to Petition for Emancipation of a Minor JE31F
Responding to a Petition for Emancipation - Information and Instructions JE31I
Preparing for and Attending the Court Hearing for Emancipation of a Minor JE68H
Order for Emancipation of a Minor JE80F