April 11, 2023

1)  REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES………….…….Hon. Justice John R. Lopez IV, Chair 

1-A:  Review, discussion, and possible action regarding the regular session minutes of the meeting held on March 14, 2023.


2)  REVIEW AND POSSIBLE ACTION………….………………………………………Division Staff 

2-A:  Review, discussion, and possible action regarding Petition to Amend Supreme Court Rule 34 regarding application for admission on motion.

2-B:  Review, discussion, and possible action regarding filing a Petition to Amend Supreme Court Rules 33 and 33.1 regarding hearing procedures before the Committee on Character and Fitness.

2-C:  Informational update: Rule petition R-23-0035 to establish vice chair positions for the Committees on Character and Fitness and Examinations.


3)  ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS…………………………………….....……………………Division Staff

3-A:  Update on posting Attorney Discipline Probable Cause Committee information to the website.

3-B:  Review, discussion, and possible action on ARC Annual Report.