Home > Committees & Commissions > Committee on Family Court

Committee on Family Court (COFC)

The Commitee on Family Court was established by A.O. 2024-66 and formalized by ACJA 1-112 as a standing committee of the Arizona Judicial Council (AJC). Among the charges of the committee are:

  • Assist the AJC and the supreme court in the development and implementation of policies, rule changes, and statutory proposals designed to improve the quality of justice, access to the courts, and efficiency in family court operations.
  • Study the internal operation and identify the needs of the family court and court users.
  • Analyze and plan for future developments and recomment uniform administrative policies and procedures to improve juducial administration in family court operations.
  • Conduct the required quadrennial Child Support Guidelines and Spousal Maintenance Guidelines reviews.
  • This committee was previously known as the Family Court Improvement Committee (FCIC) established by A.O. 2019-115
committee meeting

Next Committee Meeting



9:00 AM

State Court Building: Conference Room 101

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General Public

You may attend the meetings in person or by conference call. If joining by conference call, please ensure that your telephone is muted. Do not place the call on hold. The “Call to the Public” portion of the agenda is provided for public comment. Each public comment is limited to 3 minutes.
Call to the Public

You may address the committee by submitting (1) your name, (2) who you are representing, and (3) subject you wish to speak about to [email protected]. The Chair will call the name of each person when it is time to speak. Please listen to those who go before you and try to avoid repeating statements.


Contact Us
For general inquiries, please feel free to contact committee support staff at:
[email protected]
(602) 452-3547
Arizona Supreme Court
Administrative Office of the Courts
1501 W. Washington St., Suite 410
Phoenix, AZ 85007