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IRC Nominations

The Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission is established by Arizona Constitution, Article IV, Part 2, Section 1. The Commission on Appellate Court Appointments is tasked with nominating candidates for appointment to the Independent Redistricting Commission.


Appointments to the independent redistricting commission shall be made by:

  • The highest ranking officer elected by the Arizona house of representatives, followed by
  • The minority party leader of the Arizona house of representatives,
  • The highest ranking officer elected by the Arizona senate, and
  • The minority party leader of the Arizona senate.
  • ..."The four independent redistricting commission members shall select by majority vote from the nomination pool a fifth member who shall not be registered with any party already represented on the independent redistricting commission and who shall serve as chair."

About the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission:

The Independent Redistricting Commission is a five-member Commission with the following requirements for membership:

  • Members must be registered Arizona voters who have been continuously registered as a voter with the same political party or as unaffiliated with a political party for the three years immediately preceding appointment.
  • Members may not have been appointed to, elected to, or a candidate for any other public office*, including precinct committeeman or committeewoman but not including school board member or officer, within three years preceding appointment.

Members may not have served as an officer of a political party or an officer of a candidate's campaign committee within three years preceding appointment.

  • Members will be ineligible for Arizona public office or for registration as a paid lobbyist during their term on the IRC and for three years thereafter.
  • The term of the office (approximately ten years) is defined as follows: "Each commissioner's duties established by this section expire on the appointment of the first member of the next redistricting commission". Appointments occur in each year that ends in one.

*View description of public office and information for all applicants.

2021 Final IRC Members

Shereen Lerner (D)
David Mehl (R)
Erika Schupak Neuberg, Ph.D. (I) - Chair
Derrick B. Watchman (D)
Douglas W. York (R)


For more information about the nominating process, please contact Blanca Moreno at 602-452-3308 or via email at [email protected]; or, Vanessa Haney at 602-452-3162 or via email at [email protected].

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