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Probate Law
Protecting individuals and their property.

Probate cases present a challenge to courts across the country. They require a high degree of oversight to protect and prevent mistreatment of protected individuals and their property.

The term “Probate Court” is used generically to reference the court that hears not only estate probate and intestate matters but also a variety of other cases that traditionally involve filings in the areas of guardianship, conservatorship, elder fraud, and physical abuse.


Arizona Rules of Probate Procedure

Arizona Revised Statute, Title 14 – Trusts, Estates and Protective Proceedings

Arizona Code of Judicial Administration (ACJA), Chapter 3. Probate Court

ACJA § 7-202: Fiduciaries


Serving as a financial caregiver can be tough. The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection created the Managing Someone Else's Money guides that might be of assistance to you.

New Conservator Video Series | Elders and Court

Arizona Attorney General - Seniors

Arizona Adult Protective Services (APS)


Center for Elders and the Courts – NCSC project


Maricopa County's Guardian Review Program

A Guide for Preventing Elder Abuse, Assault, and Theft (courtesy of SeniorLiving.org)