What is a Training Coordinator?


Training Coordinators play a vital role in Judicial Education for the State of Arizona. Your role is critical to the quality and success of judicial education and training to more than 8500 judicial employees throughout the state. You are one of 110 Training Coordinators statewide working toward the same goal – providing quality training programs to the local courts and probation departments. Thank you for your dedication and service to judicial education in Arizona.

The Arizona Judiciary has more than 100 training coordinators. A few are employed full-time as training coordinators, but most are appointed to serve by their superior court presiding judge and serve in addition to their full-time duties as judges, probation officers or staff. 

Training coordinators are the vital link among the educational offerings of the Education Services Division of the Administrative Office of the Courts, the Administrative Order governing judicial education, and training events sponsored locally. Whether full- time or part-time, training coordinators keep records on the education hours earned by judicial personnel assigned to them, distribute education event notification for statewide programs, produce training locally and provide feedback to the Education Services Division as to how to best meet the educational needs of all judicial personnel. Arizona's judicial education program is highly dependent on the training coordinators. 

Here is a more specific listing of training coordinator responsibilities:

1. Ensure staff understanding of the Arizona Code of Judicial Administration, Sections 1-108 and 1302.

2. Demonstrate advocacy for continuing education.

3. Ensure opportunity for and timely notice of training opportunities.

4. Maintain accurate record keeping.

5. Ensure quality and relevance of training for which staff receive credit.

6. Provide report training status to Presiding Judge and Supreme Court.

7. Ensure relevant New Employee Orientation prior to assumption of duties.

8. Ensure appropriateness of training at the local level through a needs assessment.

9. Ensure the opportunity for individual training needs via training coordinator or others.

The Education Services Division offers you a variety of resources to assist you in your new role as Training Coordinator for your local court or department. We look forward to providing you with assistance throughout the year and answering your training-related questions as they arise.