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Last Post 28 Jun 2016 09:12 AM by  lKoschney
R-12-0002 Rule 34, Arizona Rules of the Supreme Court
 11 Replies
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Author Messages

05 Jan 2012 12:02 PM
    Petition to Amend Rule 34, Rules of the Supreme Court

    Would allow law students to take the Uniform Arizona bar examination in February of their third year of law school

    Sally Rider, on behalf of:

    Dean Lawrence Ponoroff
    University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law

    Dean Douglas J. Sylvester
    Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law

    Dean Shirley Mays
    Phoenix School of Law

    1201 E. Speedway
    P.O. Box 210176
    Tucson, AZ 85721-0176
    Phone: 520-626-1637
    Fax: 520-626-6444
    [email protected]
    Bar No. 011063

    Filed: January 5, 2012

    Comments due MAY 21, 2012

    December 5, 2012: ADOPTED as modified on an experimental basis, effective January 1, 2013 until December 31, 2015.

    January 7, 2015 ORDERED continued on an experimental basis until February 2017.

    ADOPTED on a permanent basis, effective January 1, 2017.

    22 Apr 2012 02:40 PM
    Maggie Schmidt, Esq. (University of Arizona Law Graduate 2010)
    Schmidt & Green Law Offices, P.L.L.C.
    325 W. Franklin, Suite 117
    Tucson, Arizona 85701
    (520)622-0005 (fax)
    [email protected]
    Arizona Bar #028002


    Pursuant to Rule 28(D), Rules of the Supreme Court, Maggie H. Schmidt, respectfully submits the following Comment for the Court's consideration of Rule 34, proposed change allowing third year law students to sit for the February bar exam prior to official law school graduation.

    I. Reason the Proposed Rule Change Should Be Adopted

    This proposal is long overdue. Presently, the lag time between graduating with a Juris Doctor degree, studying for the bar exam, and awaiting results of that bar exam, significantly impacts all law school graduates. In my case, that lag time cost me two opportunities to be hired at the Pima County Public Defender's Office where I had worked for over 2 years as a law clerk and 38(d) student attorney. I was studying for the bar the first hiring rotation (after a significant hiring freeze) and, therefore, was not eligible to apply. Then, I was awaiting bar exam results during the second hiring rotation. Ultimately, I decided to start my own law firm in Tucson with another new attorney who also had missed the hiring rotations at the Public Defender's Office (although for different, personal reasons).

    While I am very satisfied with my decision to open my own practice, the new rule change would greatly impact all future law school graduates and may have changed my decision to open my own firm had I had the option to accept a job as a Public Defender.

    The proposed change to Rule 34 would allow students to avoid the awkward and financially-draining time between taking the bar and awaiting results. Most of my fellow colleagues could only volunteer at firms or government agencies during this time and, if they were lucky, work at low hourly clerking rates. Those with families were at a significant disadvantage. All of us had to defer our students loan repayments during this time.

    The option to work immediately post-graduation would benefit the new graduates as much as the legal community in Arizona. I spoke to several students who had to pass up job offers because they were not licensed attorneys at graduation, or were not even eligible to apply for attorney positions. Employers were either forced to hire other people or wait several months until those candidates were licensed.

    The significance and greatness of this proposal cannot be overstated. It truly would change the legal playing field for new graduates and make certain, eligible graduates more employable right out the "graduation gate."

    Please feel free to contact me further regarding my comment.

    07 May 2012 04:21 PM
    John A. Furlong, Bar No. 018356
    General Counsel
    State Bar of Arizona
    4201 North 24th Street, Suite 100
    Phoenix, Arizona 85016-6266
    [email protected]
    UofA SBA

    22 May 2012 02:02 AM
    Student Bar Association
    University of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law
    1201 E. Speedway
    P.O. Box 210176
    Tucson, AZ 85721-0176
    [email protected]


    The Student Bar Association of the James E. Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona supports Petition N. R-12-0002, which would amend Rule 34 in order to allow third-year law students to take the February bar exam before graduation.

    Our decision is based on an independent student analysis. We have looked into the program as a whole and met with the faculty to discuss the potential positives and negatives and overall we are in support of the proposal. We are in support of the proposal for a variety of reasons. In particular, we are supportive of the hands-on approach that will be offered for those who choose the new direction with the February bar, while the "traditional" law school model will remain available for those who want a more traditional experience.

    We also like the ability to start practice immediately after graduation, rather than having to wait until late in the year to be able to commence practice or to start looking for work. After a close analysis, we strongly believe the University of Arizona, Rogers College of Law is prepared for this proposal by already laying the foundation of how to design the curriculum and run the program in an efficient way. For the above reasons, the Student Bar Association supports the rule change allowing third-year law students to take the bar examination.

    Respectfully Submitted,
    University of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law Student Bar Association

    19 Jun 2012 05:39 PM
    Hon William J. O’Neil
    Chair, Attorney Regulation Advisory Committee
    1501 W. Washington, Suite 102
    Phoenix, AZ 85007
    [email protected]

    29 Jun 2012 01:59 PM
    Sandra Davis on behalf of Sally Rider
    The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law
    1201 E. Speedway
    Tucson, AZ 85721
    (520) 621-1498
    [email protected]

    08 Nov 2012 02:49 PM
    The University of Arizona,
    James E. Rogers College of Law
    Arizona State University,
    Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law

    Submitted by Sally Rider
    1201 E. Speedway
    P.O. Box 210176
    Tucson, AZ 85721-0176
    Phone: 520-626-1637
    Fax: 520-626-6444
    [email protected]
    Bar No. 011063

    Supplemental Information Regarding Early Bar Proposal and Answers to the Court's August 31, 2012, Questions are attached.

    09 Nov 2012 02:00 PM
    Hon. William J. O'Neil, Chair
    Attorney Regulation Advisory Committee
    1501 W. Washington, Suite 102
    Phoenix, AZ 85007
    [email protected]

    09 Nov 2012 05:52 PM
    Ken Bennett
    Secretary of State by Jim Drake
    State of Arizona
    1700 W. Washington, 7th Floor
    Phoenix, AZ 85007-2888
    Ph: (602) 542-4285
    Fax: (602) 542-1575
    New Member
    Posts:43 New Member

    28 Jun 2016 08:50 AM
    Report on February Bar Pilot Project Year One: University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law

    Filed January 5, 2015
    New Member
    Posts:43 New Member

    28 Jun 2016 09:00 AM
    Attorney Regulation Advisory Committee Early Testing Report

    Filed January 5, 2015
    New Member
    Posts:43 New Member

    28 Jun 2016 09:12 AM
    Hon. Lawrence F. Winthrop, Chair
    Attorney REgulation Advisory Committee
    1501 W. Washington
    Phoenix, AZ 85007

    Report from the Attorney Regulation Advisory Committee

    Filed June 24, 2016
    Topic is locked