Executive Office

Article 6 § 7 of Arizona's Constitution states, "The Supreme Court shall appoint an administrative director and staff . . . to assist the Chief Justice in discharging his/her administrative duties." As part of that staff, the Executive Office is responsible for liaison with executive and legislative branch officials and agencies, submitting a budget to the state legislature on behalf of the judicial branch, supervising eight operating and service divisions of the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), supporting the administrative activities of the Arizona Judicial Council (an advisory body chaired by the Chief Justice), and carrying out the strategic agenda of the Chief Justice.

The Executive Office is comprised of the administrative director, deputy director and staff who support strategic planning; internal auditing; and, public, media and government relations activities. Additionally the Executive Office publishes educational materials for the public and coordinates public outreach programs that allow students and other citizens to attend supreme court oral arguments at the State Courts Building in Phoenix and other locations around the state.