Information Technology

Welcome to the Information Technology Division

We are the Information Technology Division (ITD) of the Arizona Judicial Department. Our responsibilities include providing solutions to challenging information technology problems facing our Court customers. Our endeavors often lead to automated solutions on a much larger scale because many of our technical programs are developed for delivery across the state. Some of our products are paving the way on our own Intranet, the Arizona Judicial Information Network (AJIN). ITD provides technical services and assistance to all members of the Arizona Judicial Department. We are dedicated to providing you with timely, concise, and useful information and solutions. To make you an owner in this process, we encourage your feedback to help us further refine the services which we provide.

Commission on Technology: (COT) establishes the goals, policies and priorities for statewide judicial information technology. The Commission studies and recommends improvements in technology and automation. Membership includes judges, attorneys, court clerks, court administration, and public members.