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Last Post 20 May 2016 09:29 PM by  MartinLynch
R-16-0030 Rule 72, Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure
 1 Replies
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New Member
Posts:17 New Member

12 Jan 2016 10:32 AM

    Petition to Amend Rule 72, Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure

    Would change allegedly unconstitutional provisions of the rule relating to Family Law Masters

    Martin Lynch
    ACR Member
    AFCC Member
    MCAFM Member
    National Parents Organization
    ReformFamilyCourtsAZ PAC Chairman
    FCLU.org President of the Arizona Chapter
    General Manager, We The People Court Services LLC
    Board Member and Chairman of the Legislative Committee – AZFR.org
    1120 W Broadway Rd, Apt 55 Tempe AZ 85282-1255
    602-550-6304 [email protected]

    Date of Filing: January 11, 2016

    Comments due on or before May 20, 2016.


    New Member
    Posts:30 New Member

    20 May 2016 09:29 PM
    Observation: No opinions objecting to these two Rule 72 measures have yet been registered by anyone. Granted R-16-0037 is somewhat recent.

    Request for Public Hearing per SC Rule 28(E) – Request is hereby made and applies to both R-16-0030 and R-16-0037. Both measures seek to protect the Public from harm and it is reasonable to cover all topics related to Rule 72 in the same forum.

    Ref: Petition R-16-0030 seeks to have precise language from Lavit v Superior Court inserted into the “Immunity” provisions of both Rule 72 and Rule 74. Lavit is referenced in Note 3 of ARS 25-406.

    “Activities which are ministerial and not part of the clinical and reporting functions or activities contrary to a court order are unprotected.”

    /s/ Martin Lynch
    ACR Member
    AFCC Member
    MCAFM Member
    National Parents Organization
    ReformFamilyCourtsAZ PAC Chairman
    FCLU.org President of the Arizona Chapter
    General Manager, We The People Court Services LLC
    Board Member and Chairman of the Legislative Committee – AZFR.org
    1120 W Broadway Rd, Apt 55 Tempe AZ 85282-1255
    [email protected]

    May 20, 2016
    Topic is locked