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Automation Services and Training Unit
Using automated systems and tools.

The unit assists trial courts in enhancing the quality of justice by improving court operations, financial processing and statutory reporting through the use of automated systems and tools. The unit provides business & technical analysis, 2nd level support on statewide applications (AJACS and AZPOINT), and training.

  • Subject-matter experts for new or enhanced applications
  • Acceptance testing
  • Implementation and post-production support
  • Application training and documentation
  • Data clean up assistance
  • Ad hoc reporting
  • 2nd level support for: general, financial, calendar, sentencing, and protective orders
  • Troubleshoot MVD and criminal history reporting
  • Maintain statewide violation standards

State Agency Finance Department Addresses

DUI Sentencing Chart and Juvenile DUI Sentencing Charts

MVD and the Courts Manual (Updated 11/2023)

New Warrant Form in AJACS 2021

DO NOT complete the steps for changes if the AOC maintains your database, these have already been completed for you.
2024 - 56th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Changes to Database
No Item Description Note Effective Date
1. Charge Table Changes provides a quick reference list of charges, organized by bill number, indicating new and deactivated charges. GJ and LJ 09/14/24
2. Charge Screens Provides a detailed list of charges in screen shot format. GJ and LJ 09/14/24
3. Penalty Schedule Updates Provides screen shot information for entering charges to highest penalty schedule. GJ and LJ 09/14/24
4. Event Code Updates Provides reference guides for new event/service codes. Note: courts should map new event codes to Event Entry Code field. GJ Only 09/14/24
5. Appearance Reasons Provides reference guides for new appearance reasons. GJ Only 09/14/24
6. Financial Updates Provides reference guides and screen shots for financial codes. GJ and LJ 09/14/24
7. Traffic Presumptive Fine Worksheet Court workbook to provide the presumptive fine amount for traffic violations. LJ AJACS Only 09/14/24
8. Tickler Updates Provides reference for updates to AJACS tickler configuration and mapped event codes. GJ and LJ AJACS Only 09/14/24
9. Merge Form Updates Provides reference for updates to AJACS merge forms. GJ and LJ AJACS Only 09/14/24
Bulletin Board
DUI Sentencing Chart and Juvenile DUI Sentencing Chart
2024 Legislative Update Presentation