COVID-19 Information & Updates
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The Arizona Judicial Branch is monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and is committed to maintaining access to judicial branch services while keeping litigants, probationers, staff, and the public safe. The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) is coordinating with the state health department and other governmental agencies to ensure we are consistent with their guidance in the appropriate response while maintaining individual’s rights to justice.
The impact of Coronavirus varies within the state, and the level of response and adjustment will vary. Not all courts have a social media presence or website. The AOC will post court-specific information as it becomes available. Updates will be posted to this website and on the Court’s social media outlets.
Find Local Court Information
Attorneys, litigants, and the public are encouraged to check with their local courts for local practices and advisories. Please verify before going to a courthouse. Local court information is available at the following websites:
Follow the Arizona Supreme Court
Official Resources for Coronavirus Updates
*Not maintained by the Administrative Office of the Courts |