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Last Post 02 Jun 2020 07:41 AM by  yfox
R-20-0007 Petition to Amend Rule 39(c), Arizona Rules of Supreme Court
 3 Replies
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Posts:6 New Member

09 Jan 2020 11:40 AM
    Dave Byers
    Executive Director, Administrative Office of Courts
    As Member and on Behalf of Task Force on the Delivery of Legal Services
    State Courts Building
    1501 West Washington
    Phoenix, Arizona 85007
    Telephone: (602) 452-3301

    ***A supplemental petition was filed on March 31, 2020, to align the proposed amendments in R-20-0007 with Rule 39(c), effective May 1, 2020. This was necessary because Rule 38(d) requirements will be located in Rule 39(c) effective May 1, 2020. The Summary of Proposed Changes in section II. of the original petition, as to limited practice for law students and law graduates, continues to be a true reflection of the proposed amendments that now appear in the Appendix to the Supplemental Petition. No substantive changes, other than which Rule the proposed amendments will appear in, are made by this Supplemental Petition.***

    Although Rule 38(d) currently allows recent law graduates to engage in a limited practice of law until the first offering of the Arizona bar examination, the rule was drafted in a way that downplayed or masked this opportunity for recent law graduates. Further, current Rule 38(d) is unduly complicated and unclear in large part and fails to include certain program essentials. Thus, the amendments proposed in this petition revise and reorganize the rule for clarity and substantive completeness. As revised, the proposed rule sets out the program requirements and practice restrictions for both law students and recent law graduates in a clear, organized, consistent, and complete manner.

    Amends Supreme Court Rule 38(d) to clarify the requirements for student practice and to include recent law school graduates

    Filed January 9, 2020.
    ***Supplemental Petition filed March 31, 2020.***

    First set of comments must be submitted on or before May 1, 2020.

    Second set of comments must be submitted on or before May 31, 2020.

    Replies must be submitted on or before June 1, 2020.

    ORDERED: Petition to Amend Arizona Rule of the Supreme Court 39(c) = ADOPTED on a permanent basis as modified, effective January 1, 2021.
    New Member
    Posts:35 New Member

    31 Mar 2020 03:46 PM
    Comment filed on behalf of:

    Dave Byers
    Administrative Director
    Administrative Office of Courts
    1501 West Washington
    Phoenix, Arizona 85007
    Telephone: (602) 452-3303
    [email protected]
    New Member
    Posts:12 New Member

    21 Apr 2020 11:17 AM
    Hon. Ann A. Scott Timmer, Chair
    Attorney Regulation Advisory Committee
    1501 W. Washington St.
    Phoenix, AZ 85007

    Committee Staff:
    Mark D. Wilson
    Basic Member
    Posts:238 Basic Member

    02 Jun 2020 07:41 AM
    Dave Byers
    Executive Director, Administrative Office of Courts
    Member, Task Force on the Delivery of Legal Services
    State Courts Building
    1501 West Washington
    Phoenix, Arizona 85007
    Telephone: (602) 452-3301
    [email protected]

    There being no additional comments to the amended petition after the Court adopted the proposed rule changes by Administrative Order on a temporary basis, Petitioner will not file any further comment, reply, or any final amended petition. Petition respectfully asks this Court to consider for permanent adoption the amended petition as adopted by the Court by Administrative Order.
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