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Last Post 27 May 2021 06:18 PM by  AZStateBar
R-21-0016 Petition to Amend Rule 45(a)2, Ariz. R. Sup. Ct.
 14 Replies
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Author Messages
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Posts:164 Basic Member

08 Jan 2021 04:30 PM
    State Bar of Arizona Petition

    Lisa M. Panahi, Bar No. 023421
    General Counsel
    State Bar of Arizona
    4201 N. 24th Street, Suite 100
    Phoenix, AZ 85016-6288
    (602) 340-7236
    [email protected]

    Would amend Sup. Ct. Rule 45(a)(2) to require active attorneys, not otherwise exempt, to dedicate one hour of CLE to training on diversity and inclusion as part of the three hours of professional responsibility mandatory CLE for each educational year.

    Filed: January 8, 2021

    Comments must be submitted on or before Monday, May 3, 2021.

    Replies must be submitted on or before Tuesday, June 1, 2021.
    Tim Sparling
    New Member
    Posts:1 New Member

    28 Jan 2021 02:57 AM
    Timothy Sparling
    Arizona State Bar Leadership Institute, Class of 2020-2021
    1220 E. Medlock Dr. Apt. 201
    Phoenix, AZ 85014
    [email protected]
    Bar #: 033749

    I submit this comment in unwavering support of this amendment to Sup. Ct. Rule 45(a)(2) requiring active attorneys to dedicate no less than one hour of CLE to training on diversity and inclusion as part of the existing mandatory professional responsibility requirement for each educational year.

    We are fortunate enough to live as citizens and lawyers in an incredibly rich and diverse society comprised of many different races, colors, creeds, national origins, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Our legal community is a reflection of that diversity. As attorneys and leaders in our communities, we are our best and brightest when we draw strength and vision from viewpoints that differ from our own. We have a moral and social responsibility as lawyers to improve the legal system, and the promotion of greater understanding and inclusivity in the justice system at every possible opportunity is a natural corollary of that duty.

    The State Bar of Arizona has long embraced diversity and inclusion as critical components of its Core Values. This is unsurprising, as diversity and inclusion are essential to improving the legal system aside and boast intrinsic value in and of themselves. This amendment simply formalizes the State Bar's expectation for Arizona lawyers to advocate on behalf of diversity and inclusion in our field.

    If we wish to be on the cutting edge of social progress, we must remain steadfast in our pursuit of social equality and equal opportunity in our everyday practice. This can only be achieved if we adhere to the basic principles that distinguish us as attorneys and demonstrate sensitivity to, and awareness of, the social, economic, and geographical diversity that characterizes the world we interact with on a daily basis.

    This proposed rule amendment will require attorneys to engage with cultures and viewpoints that differ from their own by imposing a basic education obligation that all members of the State Bar must observe annually. While this amendment in no way guarantees social equality in the justice system, it nevertheless is a small - yet significant - measure that moves us all forward towards a more perfect society. By requiring individual lawyers to devote a portion of their time each year to understanding different perspectives and studying the importance of inclusivity we improve the legal system as a whole. I cannot think of a better use of a lawyer's time.

    By supporting this change to Sup. Ct. Rule 45(a)(a) we honor our commitment to the Core Values of the Arizona State Bar and to the eradication of systemic injustice. By adopting this change, we openly profess our fidelity to the Rule of Law and fair justice for all. I ask all of you to join me in endorsing this amendment without reservation as we take the next step towards progressing our field together.
    Basic Member
    Posts:238 Basic Member

    16 Feb 2021 12:16 PM
    James C. Mitchell
    1098 W. Shoal Creek Lane
    Oro Valley, AZ 85737
    Phone 520-907-2478
    email [email protected]
    State Bar of Arizona No. 017387

    Comment opposing the Petition.
    Casey Arellano
    New Member
    Posts:1 New Member

    07 Apr 2021 07:42 PM
    Casey Arellano
    Los Abogados Hispanic Bar Association
    P.O. Box 813
    Phoenix, AZ 85001
    [email protected]
    Bar. No 031242

    Los Abogados Hispanic Bar Association Comment in Support of R-21-0016 Petition to Amend Rule 45(a)2, Ariz. R. Sup. Ct.

    I write in my capacity as President of Los Abogados Hispanic Bar Association. Los Abogados’ mission includes enhancing the legal profession by promoting diversity and improving the quality and administration of legal services. Los Abogados offers its full support of the proposed amendment of Rule 45(a) that would require active Arizona licensed attorneys to complete 1.0 hour of CLE in diversity and inclusion as part of the yearly 3.0 hours of professional responsibility MCLE.

    The proposed language mirrors the ABA’s model rule and would have Arizona join a handful of states that have enacted similar requirements. As an organization, we believe that mandatory education centering on diversity, inclusion, and the elimination of bias will improve not only our Bar and profession, but the public’s perception and access to the justice system.

    Particularly, we believe that this education will increase cultural competence and encourage the members of our Bar to fully engage in increasingly diverse client and professional populations. Although such classes are currently available to take at a member’s discretion, as the past year has painfully showed us, it is those who are not currently aware of their biases and exclusive practices that need this education the most. As such, those who lack the awareness are the least likely to voluntarily seek such training and education.

    Such a rule would benefit not only historically underrepresented minority groups, but our Bar as a whole, and in turn, the State of Arizona. This benefit cannot be overlooked; particularly when the requirement will not increase the mandatory MCLE minimum, but simply be part of the current 3.0 MCLE hour requirement. To that end, Los Abogados hereby fully supports and urges the approval of this amendment to Rule 45(a).
    New Member
    Posts:10 New Member

    22 Apr 2021 01:57 PM
    Vice Chief Justice Ann A. Scott Timmer, Chair
    Attorney Regulation Advisory Committee
    1501 W. Washington St.
    Phoenix, AZ 85007

    Committee Staff:
    Mark Wilson
    Brianna Farmer
    New Member
    Posts:1 New Member

    27 Apr 2021 05:20 PM
    Erica Erman
    Co-Chair Arizona Jewish Lawyers Association
    1850 N. Central Ave. #1400
    Phoenix, AZ 85004
    [email protected]
    Bar #: 033448

    Arizona Jewish Lawyers Association Comment in Support of R-21-0016 Petition to Amend Rule 45(a)2, Ariz. R. Sup. Ct.

    I write in my capacity as Co-Chair of the Arizona Jewish Lawyers Association (AJLA). AJLA recognizes the benefits to our profession, our state, and our legal system that can result in part from effective and quality education regarding the importance of diversity and inclusion and the reduction (with the aim of elimination) of bias. While the adoption of this rule change alone is not enough to achieve a more just society, it is an important step. AJLA supports and urges adoption of the R-21-0016 Petition to Amend Rule 45(a)2, Ariz. R. Sup. Ct.
    New Member
    Posts:2 New Member

    28 Apr 2021 01:14 PM
    Amanda Chua, Bar No. 022143
    Chair, Diversity & Inclusion Committee
    Maricopa County Bar Association
    3030 N. 3rd St., Ste. 1260
    Phoenix, AZ 85012
    (602) 257-4200
    [email protected]

    Comment supporting the Petition
    New Member
    Posts:2 New Member

    30 Apr 2021 12:44 PM
    Honorable Frankie Y. Jones
    Chair, Commission on Minorities in the Judiciary
    c/o Administrative Office of the Courts
    1501 W. Washington St., Ste. 410
    Phoenix, AZ 85007

    Committee staff:
    Laura Ritenour
    (602) 452-3675

    Comment supporting this Petition
    Gary Kula
    New Member
    Posts:4 New Member

    30 Apr 2021 06:07 PM
    Gary M. Kula
    Director, Maricopa County Office of the Public Defender
    620 W. Jackson, Suite 4015
    Phoenix, AZ 85003
    (602) 506-7711
    [email protected]
    Bar #012507

    Comment (attached) in support of petition.
    New Member
    Posts:2 New Member

    30 Apr 2021 07:51 PM
    Rosemarie Peña-Lynch
    Arizona Women Lawyers Association
    P.O. Box 676
    Gilbert, AZ 85299
    (602) 218-5273
    AZ Bar #023400

    AWLA's comment in support of the Petition.
    Stephen W. Baum
    New Member
    Posts:1 New Member

    03 May 2021 12:34 PM
    Stephen W. Baum
    P.O. Box 44678
    Phoenix, Arizona 85064
    [email protected]
    Bar No. 005381
    May 3, 2021

    Please see the attachment(s) for Comment in opposition to the Petition.
    New Member
    Posts:9 New Member

    03 May 2021 04:34 PM
    Mauricio R. Hernandez (#020181)
    [email protected]
    P.O. Box 7347
    Goodyear, AZ 85338
    Telephone: (623) 363-2649

    Comment opposed to the Petition.
    Aubrey Coffey-Urban
    New Member
    Posts:1 New Member

    03 May 2021 07:59 PM
    Aubrey Coffey-Urban
    Arizona State Bar Leadership Institute, Class of 2020-2021
    1996 W 17th Ave
    Apache Junction, AZ 85120
    [email protected]

    I submit this comment in support of this amendment to Sup. Ct. Rule 45(a)(2) requiring active attorneys to dedicate no less than one hour of CLE to training on diversity and inclusion as part of the existing mandatory professional responsibility requirement for each educational year. Many studies show the continued discrimination and disparities in our profession and research shows diversity, inclusion, and implicit bias training can be very effective. Such topics are broadly applicable to any attorney and will benefit every part of any attorney's practice. Whether it be with client relationships, courtroom performance, or workplace interactions, diversity and inclusion training can improve how every attorney practices law. Regular exposure to and discussion of these topics is vital in continuing to improve our profession and a yearly requirement is necessary to ensure we are all engaging regularly and continuing to improve ourselves as attorneys and our legal community.
    New Member
    Posts:1 New Member

    03 May 2021 08:33 PM
    Bradley S. Abramson, Bar No. #029470
    15100 N. 90th Street
    Scottsdale, AZ 85260
    (480) 388-8110
    [email protected]
    Basic Member
    Posts:164 Basic Member

    27 May 2021 06:18 PM
    Reply of the State Bar of Arizona

    Lisa M. Panahi, Bar No. 023421
    General Counsel
    State Bar of Arizona
    4201 N. 24th Street, Suite 100
    Phoenix, AZ 85016-6288
    [email protected]
    (602) 340-7236
    Topic is locked