March Meeting

No. 1      Review and Approve December 2016 ARC minutes


No. 2      Review, Discussion and Possible Action from Supreme Court’s Rules Forum

o   R-16-0042 Online JD exam eligibility                                          

o   R-16-0045 Rule 42, ER 6.4                                                          

o   R-16-0047 Rule 38 Approved Legal Service Organizations

o   R-17-0005 Rule 50 ADPCC membership                        

o   R 17-0008 Rule 39 Pro Hac Vice Admission                   

o   R-17-0011 Rule 38 In-House Counsel Registration                     

o   R-17-0022 Rule 32 Bar membership                                            

No. 3      Review and Discussion on Pending Legislation                                                   

a.      HB 2295

b.      HB 2300

 No. 4       ARC Annual Report Assignments and Deadlines                                                

 No. 5       Admissions Statistics Update                                                                                            

 No. 6       Supreme Court Task Force Update:                                                                      

Ethics and Professionalism and the Unauthorized Practice of Law