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0 Replies and 41 Views R-24-0051 Petition to Amend Rule 349 and Adopt Rule 354, Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court Started by Marretta Mathes Filed on behalf of: David K. Byers Administrative Director Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington, Suite 411 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3327 Phone: (602) 452-3301 Projects2courts.az.gov Would create a new Juvenile Rule 354 to implement HB 2486 (Laws 2024, Ch. 147) from the Second Regular Session of the Fifty-sixth Legislature regarding the restoration of parental rights, and would make a technical correctio...
0 41
19 Jul 2024 04:45 PM
1 Replies and 566 Views R-24-0014 Petition to Amend Rules 304 and 306 of the Arizona Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court   Started by TomJose Tom Jose Center for the Rights of Abused Children State Bar No. 035257 3219 East Camelback Road, 195 Phoenix, AZ 85018 602-710-1135 MinuteEntriesTheCenterForChildren.org The proposed amendments seek to set a procedure for a child’s trial attorney to request separate counsel for appeals from dependency, guardianship, and termination proceedings, as well as clarify the duties of children’s attorneys during such appeals. ...
1 566
by afosterJump to last post
29 Apr 2024 12:44 PM
0 Replies and 399 Views R-24-0012 Petition to Amend Rules 327 and 332 of the Arizona Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court   Started by TomJose Tom Jose Center for the Rights of Abused Children State Bar No. 035257 3219 East Camelback Road, 195 Phoenix, AZ 85018 602-710-1135 MinuteEntriesTheCenterForChildren.org Amendments to add a requirement that DCS state in its application for court-authorized removal that it has provided information about its investigation and child safety decision-making processes to the parents or guardians from whom it see...
0 399
09 Jan 2024 04:10 PM
0 Replies and 1092 Views R-23-0040 Petition to Amend Rules 206, 325, 327, 334, and Form 8 of the Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court   Started by Marretta Mathes Filed on behalf of: David K. Byers Administrative Director Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington, Suite 411 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3327 Phone: (602) 452-3301 Projects2courts.az.gov Would amend Juvenile Rules 206, 325, 327, and 334 to implement the enactment of House Bill (HB) 2313, Child Placement; Relative Search; Notice (Laws 2023, Ch. 87) and (SB) 1197 Juvenile Of...
0 1092
13 Jul 2023 12:05 PM
0 Replies and 1006 Views R-23-0026 Petition to Amend Arizona Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure 4(b)(9), 13(a), and 13(i); Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure 31.6(d), 31.10(a), and 31.10(j); and Arizona Rules of Juvenile Procedure 607(b)(3) and 609(d)(5).   Started by Yolanda Fox ****This petition addresses rules in multiple Forums. Please refer to the petition in the Arizona Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure forum to view the petition, attachments, and any comments filed. Any comments submitted for this petition should be done in the Rules of Arizona Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure Forum**** Casey D. Ball (034987) 2005 N. Central Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85004 (602) 542-8137 caseydballgmail.com Kelley M. Jancaitis (025555) 2800 N. Central Ave, Suite 1600 Pho...
0 1006
17 Jan 2023 12:03 PM
0 Replies and 1328 Views R-22-0038 Petition to Amend Criminal Rule 1.5 and Juvenile Rule 227 and Adopt Criminal Rule 7.7 and Juvenile Rule 228   Started by Yolanda Fox ****This petition addresses rules in multiple Forums. Please refer to the petition in the Rules of Criminal Procedure forum to view the petition, attachments, and any comments filed. Any comments submitted for this petition should be done in the Rules of Criminal Procedure Forum**** Filed on Behalf of: David K. Byers Administrative Director Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington, Suite 411 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3327 Phone: (602) 452-3301 Projects2courts.az.gov Petitione...
0 1328
21 Sep 2022 11:38 AM
0 Replies and 1388 Views R-22-0033 Petition to Amend Various Rules of Procedure to Implement SB 1115   Started by Madison Ginsberg ****This petition addresses rules in multiple Forums. Please refer to the petition in the Rules of Civil Procedure forum to view the petition, attachments, and any comments filed. Any comments submitted for this petition should be done in the Rules of Civil Procedure Forum**** Filed on behalf of: David K. Byers Administrative Director Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington, Suite 411 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3327 Phone: (602) 452-3301 Projects2courts.az.gov Amends Superior...
0 1388
07 Jul 2022 12:18 PM
0 Replies and 1675 Views R-22-0034 Petition to Amend Rules 102, 104, 206, 218, 219, 224, 303, 312, 326, 334, 338, 344, 353, and 406 of the Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court   Started by Marretta Mathes Filed on behalf of: David K. Byers Administrative Director Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington, Suite 411 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3327 Phone: (602) 452-3301 Projects2courts.az.gov Amends Juvenile Rules 102, 104, 206, 218, 219, 224, 303, 312, 326, 334, 338, 344, 353, and 406 to implement SB 1069, SB 1073, and SB1079 the 2022 legislativ...
0 1675
06 Jul 2022 07:25 PM
21 Replies and 10677 Views R-20-0044 Arizona Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court   Started by Yolanda Fox
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Subject: Arizona Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court Justice Rebecca Berch (ret.), Chair Task Force on the Arizona Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court 1501 W. Washington St. Phoenix, AZ 85007 mmeltzercourts.az.gov ...
21 10677
by Yolanda FoxJump to last post
02 Jun 2022 10:53 AM
0 Replies and 1897 Views R-22-0017 Amend Juvenile of Prodedure - No More Deference   Started by Martin Lynch Per SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas, not one single case processed in Juvenile Court is LAWFUL. He asserts rightfully that 'Chevron' and 'Brand X' are akin to 'Dred Scott' (1857) where SCOTUS declared that black people can be slaves because they have no Rights. He asserts that 'Deference' is the opposite of Due Process and converts the Juvenile Courts into 'Kangaroo Courts'. The administrative agency tells the Judge what to do, and the Judge 'defers' to the administrative agency 99.7 of the t...
0 1897
11 Jan 2022 02:36 AM
0 Replies and 2316 Views R-21-0038 Juvenile Rules 10, 38, 40, 62, 64 and 65   Started by Lisa Flores Filed on behalf of: David K. Byers Administrative Director Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington, Suite 411 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3327 Phone: (602) 452-3301 Projects2courts.az.gov Filed: June 30, 2021 Would amend Rules 10, 28, 40, 62, 64, and 65 of the Arizona Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court regarding the appointment of coun...
0 2316
30 Jun 2021 07:44 PM
0 Replies and 2413 Views R-21-0037 Juvenile Rule 83   Started by Lisa Flores Filed on behalf of: David K. Byers Administrative Director Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington, Suite 411 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3327 Phone: (602) 452-3301 Projects2courts.az.gov Filed: June 30, 2021 Would amend Rule 83(A)(8) of the Arizona Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court, which concerns the documen...
0 2413
30 Jun 2021 05:20 PM
0 Replies and 2268 Views R-21-0036 PETITION TO AMEND RULES 94 AND 102 OF THE RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE JUVENILE COURT   Started by Yolanda Fox David K. Byers Administrative Director Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington, Suite 411 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3327 Phone: (602) 452-3301 Projects2courts.az.gov Filed: June 30, 2021 Would amend Rules 94 and 102 of the Arizona Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court to conform the rules to a recent statutory enactment regarding the...
0 2268
30 Jun 2021 04:18 PM
0 Replies and 4102 Views R-20-0024 Revise Rules of Juvenile Procedure to Lawfully Implement Juries   Started by Martin Lynch The People want juries to be applied only if necessary upon request of a litigant after the bench trial, because most Judges makes honest reasonable orders. The People themselves do not wish to produce Jury verdicts. We think the Courts should do that. The People are working on producing Statutes but regardless, the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and everybody swears an oath per US Constitution Art 6 Sect 3. If you have not waived your Right, then it s...
0 4102
13 Jan 2020 10:36 PM
0 Replies and 5189 Views R-19-0037 Juvenile Rules 47.1, 48, & 79   Started by Yolanda Fox Filed on behalf of: David K. Byers, Administrative Director Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington Street, Suite 411 Phoenix, AZ 85007 (602) 452- 3301 Projects2courts.az.gov Filed June 27, 2019 Would amend Juvenile Rules to conform with legislation requiring the juvenile court (a) to determine whether extended foster care is in a y...
0 5189
03 Jul 2019 10:57 AM
0 Replies and 6012 Views R-19-0028 Petition to Amend Rule 6.2, Rules of Juvenile Procedure   Started by Martin Lynch We seek to improve the quality of the product and the efficiency of the Judicial process. It is important to understand that the People are now exercising our Constitutional authorities to produce valid Jury verdicts and file these verdicts into Court cases at this time. We require no approval to follow the law. Anyone is free to file a lawsuit seeking to compel the People to stop following the law. Their argument would be that the 7th and 10th Amendments and Article ...
0 6012
11 Jan 2019 12:48 AM
1 Replies and 21814 Views R-18-0030 Petition to Amend Rule 47.3, Rules Procedure of Juvenile Court   Started by bddMember Filed on behalf of: David K. Byers Administrative Director Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington, Suite 411 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3327 Phone: (602) 452-3301 Projects2courts.az.gov Would modify Rule 47.3 to implement amendments to ARS § 8-821 enacted by Laws 2018, Ch. 191, altering the standard of proof from 'reasonable grounds' to 'probable cause.' ...
1 21814
by bcrmemberJump to last post
18 Sep 2018 02:55 PM
0 Replies and 8379 Views R-18-0029 Petition to Amend Rule 1 and 31, Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court   Started by bddMember Filed on behalf of: David K. Byers, Administrative Director Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington St., Ste. 411 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3327 Phone: (602) 452-3301 Projects2courts.az.gov Would modify Juvenile Ct. Rules to retain jurisdiction over a person aged at least 17 who has been adjudicated delinquent until age 19 unless the court terminates jurisdic...
0 8379
18 May 2018 10:56 AM
0 Replies and 9736 Views R-18-0008 Petition to Amend Arizona Rules of Evidence 1001, 1002, 1004, 1006, 1007, 1008; Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure 15.1, 15.2, 15.3; Arizona Rules of Procedure for Juvenile Court 16, 44, 73; and Arizona Rule of Procedure for Eviction Actions 10   Started by Allyson Flanagan Filed on behalf of Petitioner Samuel A. Thumma, Chair; Task Force on Court Management of Digital Evidence Address: 1501 W. Washington Street, Ste 410, Phoenix, Az 85007 Phone: 602-452-6700 Fax: 602-452-3480 Email: jalbrightcourts.az.gov Petition to amend rules of evidence to expressly reference digital evidence and various rules of procedure to specifically address disclosure of electronically stored information. Filed: January 10, 2018. Comments must be submitted on or before...
0 9736
19 Jan 2018 11:54 AM
0 Replies and 9541 Views R-18-0005 Petition to amend Supreme Court Rule 123 and Juvenile Court rules 19, 47, 75 & 86   Started by Allyson Flanagan **This petition addresses rules in multiple Forums. Please refer to the petition in the Rules of the Supreme Court forum to view the petition, attachments, and any comments filed. Any comments submitted for this petition should be done in the Rules of the Supreme Court forum.** Hon. Timothy Ryan, Juvenile Court Presiding Judge Maricopa County Superior Court Hon. Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Superior Court for Maricopa County 620 W. Jackson St. Phoenix, AZ 85003 ...
0 9541
19 Jan 2018 11:48 AM
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