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0 Replies and 304 Views R-24-0045 Rule 81 and Rule 2.10   Started by Amanda McQueen David K. Byers Administrative Director Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington, Suite 411 Phoenix, AZ 85007 (602) 452-3301 Projects2courts.az.gov Petitioner seeks an amendment to Rules of the Supreme Court, Rule 81, the Arizona Code of Judicial Conduct to add a definition to the Terminology section and a provision to Rule 2.10. The amendment would specifically authorize a pr...
0 304
17 Apr 2024 02:58 PM
0 Replies and 6180 Views R-19-0036 Terminology Section and Rules 7 & 9(e), Rules of the Commission on Judicial Conduct   Started by April Elliott April P. Elliott Disciplinary Counsel Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct 1501 W. Washington Street, Suite 229 Phoenix, AZ 85007 602-452-3200 aelliottcourts.az.gov SBN 016701 Filed May 29, 2019 Would abrogate outdated definition and duplicative language and amend Rule 9(e) to permit issuance of press releases to inform ...
0 6180
29 May 2019 02:42 PM
2 Replies and 51121 Views R-17-0047 Terminology Section, Rules of the Commission on Judicial Conduct   Started by Deleted User Advay Mengle PO Box 390817 Mountain View, CA 94039 for.public.commentgmail.com The petition would amend the Rules of the Commission Terminology Section. Filed September 15, 2017 Comments must be submitted on or before May 21, 2018. ORDERED: Petition to Amend Terminology Section, Rules of the Commission on Judicial Conduct = ADOPTED as modified, effective January 1, 2019.
2 51121
by Deleted UserJump to last post
08 May 2018 05:47 PM
1 Replies and 35831 Views R-13-0049 Rules 9, 17, and 18 of the Rules of the Commission on Judicial Conduct   Started by Anonymous R-13-0049 Petition to Amend Rules 9, 17, and 18 of the Rules of the Commission on Judicial Conduct Would create a confidential, informal admonition sanction in judicial conduct proceedings Petitioner: Jennifer Perkins, Disciplinary Counsel, for Hon. Louis Frank Dominguez, Chair Commission on Judicial Conduct 1501 W. Washington St., Suite 229 ...
1 35831
by �JudgeGeraldJump to last post
15 May 2014 01:28 PM
0 Replies and 15898 Views R-13-0048 Terminology Section and Rules 4, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, Rules of the Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct   Started by Anonymous R-13-0048 Petition to Amend various rules in the Rules of the Commission on Judicial Conduct Would increase the transparency and efficiency of commission procedures Petitioner: Jennifer Perkins, Disciplinary Counsel, for Hon. Louis Frank Dominguez, Chair Commission on Judicial Conduct 1501 W. Washington St., Suite 229 (T) 602-452-3200 (F) 602-4...
0 15898
20 Nov 2013 10:17 AM
1 Replies and 32741 Views R-13-0024 Rules of the Commission on Judicial Conduct   Started by Anonymous R-13-0024 Petition to Amend the Rules of the Commission on Judicial Conduct Would change the name of the Commission to 'Commission on Judicial Conduct and Incapacity' and urge creation of a publicly available form for reporting judicial incapacity Petitioner: Mike Palmer 18402 N. 19th Ave., 109 Phoenix, AZ 85023 602-513-3738 (intermittent cell) mikepalmer_arizonafastmail.f...
1 32741
by �AnthonySizerJump to last post
13 Aug 2013 10:56 AM
0 Replies and 15539 Views R-12-0001 Rule Change Petition Rules 23 and 27, Arizona Rules of the Commission on Judicial Conduct   Started by Anonymous R-12-0001 Petition to Amend Rules 23 and 27, Arizona Rules of the Commission on Judicial Conduct Would clarify available alternatives for review of informal sanctions Petitioner: Hon. Louis Frank Dominguez, Chair Commission on Judicial Conduct 1501 W. Washington Street, Suite 229 Phoenix, AZ 85007 Commission Office: 602-452-3200 Commission Fax: 602-452-3201 Com...
0 15539
04 Jan 2012 02:50 PM
0 Replies and 15424 Views R-05-0037 Petition to Amend Various Rules of Procedure Relating to Verbatim Recording of Judicial Proceedings.   Started by Anonymous R-05-0037 PETITION TO AMEND VARIOUS RULES OF PROCEDURE RELATING TO VERBATIM RECORDING OF JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS TO MODERNIZE LANGUAGE IN EXISTING RULES AND TO ESTABLISH STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES APPEARING IN STATUTES Petitioner: Jennifer A. Greene, Committee Staff C...
0 15424
08 Nov 2006 02:19 PM
0 Replies and 15555 Views R-05-0026 Rules of Commission on Judicial Conduct   Started by Anonymous Commission on Judicial Conduct 1501 W. Washington, Suite 229 Phoenix, AZ 85007 (602) 542-5200
0 15555
14 Aug 2006 06:03 PM
1 Replies and 35112 Views R-05-0027 Amend Rule 9, Rules of the Commission on Judicial Conduct   Started by Anonymous R-05-0027 PETITION TO AMEND RULE 9, RULES OF THE COMMISSION ON JUDICIAL CONDUCT TO GIVE THE COMPLAINANT ACCESS TO A JUDGE'S RESPONSE SO THAT THE COMPLAINANT MAY FILE A REPLY Petitioners: Andrew P. Thomas Maricopa County Attorney Firm Sate Bar No. 0003200 Philip J. MacDonnell Chief Deputy 301 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, Arizona 85003 (602) 50...
1 35112
by �loroscoJump to last post
24 May 2006 06:14 PM
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