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Last Post 17 May 2023 05:43 PM by  Amanda McQueen
 3 Replies
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Author Messages
Amanda McQueen
New Member
Posts:21 New Member

10 Jan 2023 10:05 AM
    Jerry G. Landau
    Special Projects Consultant
    Administrative Office of the Courts
    Chair, Fentanyl and Toxic Evidence Task Force
    1501 W. Washington
    Phoenix, AZ 85007
    (602) 452-3361
    [email protected]

    The Task Force to Create Guidelines for the Handling of Fentanyl Evidence and Other Toxic Evidence in the Courthouse respectfully petitions this Court to amend Rule 611, Rules of Evidence for Courts in the State of Arizona, by adding a new subsection (d) concerning hazardous evidence in the courtroom.

    Filed: January 10, 2023

    Would amend Rule 611 of the Arizona Rules of Evidence to adopt a new subpart (d) governing the handling of hazardous evidence in the courtroom.

    Comments must be submitted no later than Monday, May 1, 2023.
    Any reply by a petitioner must be submitted no later than Thursday, June 1, 2023.

    Lina Garcia
    New Member
    Posts:21 New Member

    29 Apr 2023 10:31 PM
    Joint Comment by Maricopa Public Defense Offices
    620 W. Jackson, Suite 4015, Phoenix, AZ 85003
    (602) 506-7711
    [email protected]
    AZ Bar #025997
    Hon. Sara J. Agne
    New Member
    Posts:17 New Member

    30 Apr 2023 09:51 PM
    Sara J. Agne
    Advisory Committee on Rules of Evidence
    Judge, Arizona Superior Court
    101 W. Jefferson Street, Suite 912
    Phoenix, AZ 85003
    Telephone: 602-506-8288
    Facsimile: 602-372-5817

    Maria Elena Cruz
    Advisory Committee on Rules of Evidence
    Judge, Arizona Court of Appeals
    Division One
    State Courts Building
    1501 West Washington
    Phoenix, Arizona 85007
    Telephone: 602-452-6740
    Facsimile: 602-452-3228
    Amanda McQueen
    New Member
    Posts:21 New Member

    17 May 2023 05:43 PM
    Jerry G. Landau
    Special Projects Consultant
    Administrative Office of the Courts
    Chair, Fentanyl and Toxic Evidence Task Force
    1501 W. Washington
    Phoenix, AZ 85007
    (602) 452-3361
    [email protected]

    Petitioner submits the attached Reply.
    Topic is locked