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Last Post 18 Apr 2024 03:19 PM by  Yolanda Fox
R-24-0045 Rule 81 and Rule 2.10
 0 Replies
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Author Messages
Yolanda Fox
Basic Member
Posts:238 Basic Member

18 Apr 2024 03:19 PM
    ****This petition addresses rules in multiple Forums. Please refer to the petition in the Rules of Procedure for the Commission on Judicial Conduct forum to view the petition, attachments, and any comments filed. Any comments submitted for this petition should be done in the
    Rules of Procedure for the Commission on Judicial Conduct****

    David K. Byers
    Administrative Director
    Administrative Office of the Courts
    1501 W. Washington, Suite 411
    Phoenix, AZ 85007
    (602) 452-3301
    [email protected]

    Petitioner seeks an amendment to Rules of the Supreme Court, Rule 81, the Arizona Code of Judicial Conduct to add a definition to the Terminology section and a provision to Rule 2.10. The amendment would specifically authorize a presiding judge of a court of record to make statements and provide statistics about another judge’s administrative performance in calendar and caseload management. The proposed amendment is the result of ongoing discussions during meetings of the presiding judges of the superior court beginning in June 2023.

    Petitioner asks for expedited consideration so the petition may be heard in August and, if approved, adopted on a preliminary basis with consideration for permanent adoption heard in December.

    Filed: April 17, 2024

    Would amend Rule 2.10 of the Arizona Code of Judicial Conduct (Rule 81 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Arizona) to permit a presiding judge to publicly comment on another judge’s calendar and caseload management.

    Comments due no later than May 31, 2024, and any reply by the petitioner due no later than June 17, 2024.

    ****This petition addresses rules in multiple Forums. Please refer to the petition in the Rules of Procedure for the Commission on Judicial Conduct forum to view the petition, attachments, and any comments filed. Any comments submitted for this petition should be done in the
    Rules of Procedure for the Commission on Judicial Conduct****
    Topic is locked