Arizona Judicial Branch
In accordance with Administrative Order No. 90-17, advisory committees to help the Committee on Superior Court carry out its responsibilities may be appointed with the approval of the Chief Justice.

The Committee on Probation (COP) was established in November 1990 as a standing subcommittee of the Committee on Superior Court (COSC).  The COP examines current probation procedures, develops policies and procedures to improve quality, and promote standardization, consistency and coordination of probation procedures statewide.  Please refer to the Arizona Code of Judicial Administration 6-114 for membership, terms and Committee information.
An agenda of the items to be considered, discussed, or decided may be obtained at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation, such as auxiliary aids or materials in alternative formats by contacting Lauren Kopecky at 602-452-3445 or 1501 West Washington Street, Suite 337, Phoenix, AZ 85007. A person requesting an accommodation should make the request as early as possible to allow time to arrange the requested accommodation. 

For additional information, please contact:
Hollie Foxx (602) 452-3461
[email protected]

