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3 Replies and 1509 Views R-23-0039 Petition to Amend Rules 16 and 17 of the Arizona Rules of Probate Procedure   Started by mmathes Filed on Behalf of: David K. Byers Administrative Director Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington, Suite 411 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3327 Phone: (602) 452-3301 Projects2courts.az.gov Would amend Probate Rules 16(a) and (b) and 17(a) to implement Senate Bill (SB) 1291 from the 2023 First Regular Session of the Fifty-sixth Legislature....
3 1509
by mmathesJump to last post
13 Oct 2023 12:05 PM
1 Replies and 3617 Views R-22-0019 Petition to Amend Probate Rule 45   Started by aaronnash Aaron Nash, Director Certification & Licensing Division Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington St., Ste. 104 Phoenix, AZ 85007 (602) 452-3378 anashcourts.az.gov The proposed rule change would restore conservators' obligation to amend their initial inventory before the first account when additional assets are discovered or when the value of an asset is erroneous or misleading. ...
1 3617
by Rachel.CarrerasJump to last post
25 Apr 2022 12:10 PM
1 Replies and 2163 Views R-22-0008 Petition To Amend Rule 45, Arizona Rules of Probate Procedure   Started by Rachel.Carreras Honorable Jay M. Polk Probate and Mental Health Department Presiding Judge Superior Court in Maricopa County 101 W. Jefferson Street Phoenix, Arizona, 85003 (602) 372-0879 Filed: January 10, 2022 Would amend Rules 45(c) and (e) of the Arizona Rules of Probate Procedure to require a conservator to provide statements, appraisals, or other documentation to support his or her initial inventory and to attach...
1 2163
by aaronnashJump to last post
18 Mar 2022 07:16 PM
0 Replies and 2543 Views R-21-0034 Probate Rules 2, 8, 13, 32, 33, 34, and 53   Started by lflores Filing on Behalf of: David K. Byers Administrative Director Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington, Suite 411 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3327 Phone: (602) 452-3301 Projects2courts.az.gov Filed: June 29, 2021 Would amend rules 2, 8, 13, 32, 33, 34, and 53 of the Arizona Rules of Probate Procedure to conform the rul...
0 2543
29 Jun 2021 06:09 PM
0 Replies and 2585 Views R-21-0007 Rules 2, 12 and 16 of the Rules of Probate Procedure   Started by Rachel.Carreras Honorable Jay M. Polk Probate and Mental Health Department Presiding Judge Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County 101 W. Jefferson St. Phoenix, AZ 85003 (602) 372-0879 Would amend Ariz. Rs. Probate P. 2, 12, and 16 to specifically authorize and facilitate virtual appearances at probate proceedings by interested parties. Filed: January 7, 2021 Comments must be submitted on ...
0 2585
07 Jan 2021 06:44 PM
0 Replies and 4570 Views R-20-0027 Revise Rules of Probate 28.1 to Lawfully Implement Juries   Started by MartinLynch The People want juries to be applied only if necessary upon request of a litigant after the bench trial, because most Judges makes honest reasonable orders. We do not wish to produce Jury verdicts. We think the Courts should do that. The People are working on producing Statutes but regardless, the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and everybody swears an oath per US Constitution Art 6 Sect 3. If you have not waived your Right, then it still exists. ...
0 4570
13 Jan 2020 09:29 PM
11 Replies and 16252 Views R-18-0044 Petition to Amend the Arizona Rules of Probate Procedure   Started by yfox Rebecca White Berch (Justice, ret.), Chair Task Force on the Arizona Rules of Probate Procedure, Petitioner 1501 W. Washington St. Phoenix, AZ 85007 602.452.3242 mmeltzercourts.az.gov Motion to Permit Additional Time for Filing a Rule Petition, with a Request for Expedited Consideration FILED: December 26, 2018 ...
11 16252
by mmeltzerJump to last post
12 Nov 2019 01:06 PM
0 Replies and 5945 Views R-19-0027 Petition to Amend Rule 27.1, Rules of Probate Procedure   Started by MartinLynch We seek to improve the quality of the product and the efficiency of the Judicial process. It is important to understand that the People are now exercising our Constitutional authorities to produce valid Jury verdicts and file these verdicts into Court cases at this time. We require no approval to follow the law. Anyone is free to file a lawsuit seeking to compel the People to stop following the law. Their argument would be that the 7th and 10th Amendments and Arti...
0 5945
11 Jan 2019 12:09 AM
0 Replies and 6506 Views R-18-0039 Petition to Adopt Rule 28.2, Arizona Rules of Probate Procedure   Started by mmeltzer Rebecca White Berch (Justice, ret.), Chair Task Force on the Arizona Rules of Probate Procedure, Petitioner 1501 W. Washington St. Phoenix, AZ 85007 Telephone: 602.452.3242 Email: mmeltzercourts.az.gov This petition requests emergency adoption of a rule that would require a demand for jury trial, when the right to a jury exists, in probate proceedings concerning guardianships and conservatorships. ...
0 6506
03 Dec 2018 01:40 PM
0 Replies and 29162 Views R-15-0001 Petition to Amend Arizona Rule of Probate Procedure 3(D)   Started by marmstrong R-15-0001 Petition to Amend Arizona Rule of Probate Procedure 3(D) Would restyle the rule for consistency with the restyling of Arizona Rule of Evidence 403. Petitioners Mark W. Armstrong Co-Chair, Advisory Committee on Rules of Evidence Staff Attorney, Arizona Supreme Court Superior Court Judge (Ret.) ...
0 29162
05 Jan 2015 03:26 PM
0 Replies and 15969 Views R-14-0026 Petition to Amend Rule 22, Rules of Probate Procedure   Started by jgreene R-14-0026 Petition to Amend Rule 22, Arizona Rules of Probate Procedure Would implement recent legislation requiring specific finding in orders appointing a guardian as to whether appointment is due solely to ward's physical incapacity Petitioner: David K. Byers, Administrative Director Administrative Office of the Courts ...
0 15969
16 Jul 2014 09:01 AM
0 Replies and 15773 Views R-13-0038 Petition to Amend Rule 21, Arizona Rules of Probate Procedure   Started by bdominguez R-13-0038 Petition to Amend Rule 21, Arizona Rules of Probate Procedure Would amend the rule to conform to statutory amendments relating to the requirements and procedure for background checks of persons seeking appointment as guardians or conservators Petitioner: David K. Byers Administrative Director of the Courts 1501 W. Washington,...
0 15773
18 Jul 2013 01:41 PM
0 Replies and 15723 Views R-12-0014 Petition to Amend Rule 11, Rules of Probate Procedure   Started by lkoschney R-12-0014 Petition to Amend Rule 11, Rules of Probate Procedure Would allow videoconferencing for certain proceedings in probate court Petitioner: Honorable Rosa Mroz Presiding Probate/Mental Health Court Judge Maricopa County Superior Court 125 W.Washington St. Phoenix, AZ 85003 Ph: 602-372-0384 Filed Janua...
0 15723
18 Jan 2012 03:02 PM
26 Replies and 74953 Views Subject: R-11-0023 PETITION TO AMEND RULES 7, 8, 10, 10.1, 10.2, 15.1, 15.2, 18, 19, 22, 26, 26.1, 27.1, 28, 29, 29.2, 30, 30.1, 30.2, 30.3, 30.4, 33   Started by host
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
R-11-0023 Petition to Amend Various Rules of the Rules of Probate Procedure Would amend probate rules to improve judicial oversight and processing of probate matters Petitioner’s Name: Lorraine Smith Committee Name: Arizona Judicial Council Mailing Address: 1501 W. Washington...
26 74953
by �lkoschneyJump to last post
28 Nov 2011 01:33 PM
0 Replies and 15711 Views R-11-0020 Petition to amend Rule 5, Arizona Rules of Probate Procedure   Started by bdominguez R-11-0020 Petition to Amend Rule 5, Arizona Rules of Probate Procedure Would ensure continuation of the caption and case number of a conservatorship when the protected person moves from minority to adulthood Petitioner: The Honorable Ann A. Scott Timmer, Chief Judge Arizona Court of Appeals, Division One Chair, Committee on Improving Judicial Oversight and Processing of Probate Court M...
0 15711
26 May 2011 03:38 PM
1 Replies and 35799 Views R-10-0020 Petition to Amend Rules 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 17, 33, 35, 36, and 38, Arizona Rules of Probate Procedure   Started by JMPolk R-10-0020 AMENDED PETITION TO AMEND RULES 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 17, 33, 35, 36, AND 38, ARIZONA RULES OF PROBATE PROCEDURE WOULD CONFORM PROBATE RULES TO RECENT STATUTORY CHANGES; ENSURE THE PROBATE RULES COMMITTEE'S ORIGINAL INTENT IS MET; AND ADDRESS ISSUES THAT HAVE ARISEN IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RULES Petitioner's Name: Jay M. Polk, Esq. 7310 N. 16th St., Suite 330, Phoenix, Arizona 85020 Tele...
1 35799
by �AZStateBarJump to last post
11 May 2010 03:46 PM
3 Replies and 37479 Views R-08-0032 Rule 7, Arizona Rules of Probate Procedure   Started by nasha R-08-0032 PETITION TO AMEND RULE 7, ARIZONA RULES OF PROBATE PROCEDURE Would amend provisions relating to the filing of confidential documents in probate cases. Petitioner: Hon. Patti Noland, President Arizona Association of Superior Court Clerks 110 W. Congress, 1st Floor Tucson, Arizona 85701 520-740-3201 nashaCOSC.maricopa.gov Filed Dec...
3 37479
by �domanicoJump to last post
19 May 2009 06:28 PM
64 Replies and 127041 Views R-07-0012 Arizona Rules of Probate Procedure   Started by JRogers
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 4 )
64 127041
by �ecrowleyJump to last post
21 Jul 2008 04:13 PM
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