Committee Info


The Leadership Institute is a program of the Arizona Supreme Court AOC Education Services Division Unit dedicated to providing education programs to Arizona court leaders. Since 1998, Education Services has partnered with the Institute of Court Management (ICM) to deliver educational seminars to Arizona court administrators and judges. Education Services has sponsored ICM seminars several times a year. A number of Arizona judges and administrators have completed course requirements for the ICM’s Court Management Program and the Court Executive Development Program.

The Leadership Institute is guided by the Court Leadership Institute of Arizona (CLIA) committee, a standing committee of the Committee on Education and Training (COJET).

Arizona, well known for being a leader in developing judicial education programs, recognized the need for a “home grown” leadership curriculum. Early in 2004, the Education Services Division assembled a group of limited jurisdiction and superior court administrators and charged them with the task of developing an Arizona-specific court leadership program. The group devised a collection of course topics directed towards current and future court leaders.

The Administrative Office of the Courts determined that the development of court leaders should be a priority and in December, 2005, established the Court Leadership Institute of Arizona. CLIA aims to be relevant, accessible, and innovative. The Institute will develop workshops and seminars targeted at supervisors, project managers, program managers, court administrators, clerks of court, judges with administrative duties, probation managers, and other executive-level court administrators.

CLIA programs focus on a “leadership as collaboration” model where leaders view themselves as both part of an executive team and coordinators of their own administrative team.