Inactive Committees, Commissions and Workgroups

Advisory Committee on Rule 123 and 125
Arizona Court Interpreter Funding Committee
Business Court Advisory Committee (BCAC)
Capital Case Task Force (CCTF)
Child Support Committee (CSC)

Child Support Guidelines Review Committee (CSGRC)

Civil Rules of Procedure for Limited Jurisdiction Courts (RCIP.LJC)
Commercial Court Review Committee (CCRC)
Committee for an Interim Review of the Child Support Guidelines (CSGIRC)
Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution
Committee on Civil Justice Reform (CJRC)
Committee on Improving Judicial Oversight and Processing of Probate Court Matters

Committee on Improving Small Claims Case Processing (CISCCP)

Committee on Time Periods for Electronic Display of Superior Court Case Records (CTPED)
Committee to Study Interpreter Issues in the Arizona Courts
Complex Civil Litigation Court Evaluation Committee
Court Security Standards Committee (CSSC)
Criminal Rules Task Force (CRTF)
Criminal Rules Video-Conference Advisory Committee
Digital Evidence Task Force (DETF)
Domestic Relations Committee (DRC)
Domestic Violence Rules Committee
Electronic Records Retention and Destruction Committee (ELECREC)
Family Law Rules Task Force (FLR)
Impact of Wireless Mobile Technologies and Social Media on Court Proceedings (WIRELESS)
Judicial Staff Education Committee (JSEC)  
Keeping the Record Committee
Mental Health Court Advisory Committee
Parenting Coordinator Rule Petition Review Committee
Probate Rules Task Force
Rule 123 and Data Dissemination Advisory Committee
Steering Committee on Arizona Appellate Case Processing Standards

Steering Committee on Arizona Case Processing Standards
(2012 - 2019)

Superior Court Records Retention Schedule Revision Committee (RRRCSC)
Task Force on Fair Justice for All (TF-FAIR)
Task Force on Rule 32 (TF-R32)
Task Force on the Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure (TF-ARCP)
Task Force to Review the State Bar's Role and Governance (M&G)
Task Force on Rules of Procedure for Special Actions (RPSA)
Task Force to Supplement Keeping of the Record by Electronic Means (SKREM)