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127 Topics and 602 Replies Rules of Civil Procedure  127  602
R-24-0049 Petition to Ame...
by  Yolanda Fox
08 Jul 2024 03:08 PM
127 602
R-24-0049 Petition to Ame...
by  Yolanda Fox
08 Jul 2024 03:08 PM
189 Topics and 629 Replies Rules of Criminal Procedure  189  629
RE: R-24-0005 Petition to...
by  Yolanda Fox
25 Jul 2024 12:06 PM
189 629
RE: R-24-0005 Petition to...
by  Yolanda Fox
25 Jul 2024 12:06 PM
28 Topics and 77 Replies Rules of Evidence  28  77
RE: R-24-0018 Petition to...
by  Hon. Sara J. Agne
02 Jun 2024 03:33 PM
28 77
RE: R-24-0018 Petition to...
by  Hon. Sara J. Agne
02 Jun 2024 03:33 PM
247 Topics and 1617 Replies Rules of the Supreme Court  247  1617  including Rules of Professional Conduct and Code of Judicial Conduct
RE: R-23-0056 Petition to...
by  rnassen
12 Sep 2024 02:38 PM
247 1617
RE: R-23-0056 Petition to...
by  rnassen
12 Sep 2024 02:38 PM
32 Topics and 33 Replies Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure  32  33
R-23-0044 Amendment to Ru...
by  Jeffrey Gross
08 Sep 2023 11:33 AM
32 33
R-23-0044 Amendment to Ru...
by  Jeffrey Gross
08 Sep 2023 11:33 AM
8 Topics and 18 Replies Rules of Procedure for Special Actions  8  18  including review of Industrial Commission awards
RE: R-23-0055 Rules of Pr...
by  mmeltzer
27 Jun 2024 01:34 PM
8 18
RE: R-23-0055 Rules of Pr...
by  mmeltzer
27 Jun 2024 01:34 PM
7 Topics and 6 Replies Rules of Practice of the Arizona Tax Court  7  6
RE: R-23-0016 Petition to...
by  mmeltzer
19 Aug 2024 12:15 PM
7 6
RE: R-23-0016 Petition to...
by  mmeltzer
19 Aug 2024 12:15 PM
4 Topics and 0 Replies Superior Court Rules of Appellate Procedure-Civil  4  0
R-23-0028 Petition to Ame...
by  Andrew Patrick Schaffer
10 Jan 2023 04:44 PM
4 0
R-23-0028 Petition to Ame...
by  Andrew Patrick Schaffer
10 Jan 2023 04:44 PM
2 Topics and 2 Replies Superior Court Rules of Appellate Procedure-Criminal  2  2
RE: R-08-0001 Superior Co...
by  lkoschney
21 Jul 2008 01:54 PM
2 2
RE: R-08-0001 Superior Co...
by  lkoschney
21 Jul 2008 01:54 PM
1 Topics and 0 Replies Rules of Procedure for Enforcement of Tribal Court Involuntary Commitment Orders  1  0
R-17-0042 Rule 2, Rules o...
by  Jennifer Greene
16 Jun 2017 08:48 AM
1 0
R-17-0042 Rule 2, Rules o...
by  Jennifer Greene
16 Jun 2017 08:48 AM
86 Topics and 156 Replies Rules of Family Law Procedure  86  156
RE: R-23-0034 PETITION TO...
by  David Tascoe
17 May 2024 01:40 PM
86 156
RE: R-23-0034 PETITION TO...
by  David Tascoe
17 May 2024 01:40 PM
43 Topics and 102 Replies Rules of Protective Order  43  102
RE: R-24-0038 Rule 38(e) ...
by  Mike Palmer
03 Jun 2024 08:12 PM
43 102
RE: R-24-0038 Rule 38(e) ...
by  Mike Palmer
03 Jun 2024 08:12 PM
57 Topics and 73 Replies Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court  57  73
R-24-0051 Petition to Ame...
by  Marretta Mathes
19 Jul 2024 04:45 PM
57 73
R-24-0051 Petition to Ame...
by  Marretta Mathes
19 Jul 2024 04:45 PM
18 Topics and 110 Replies Rules of Probate Procedure  18  110
RE: R-23-0039 Petition to...
by  Marretta Mathes
13 Oct 2023 12:05 PM
18 110
RE: R-23-0039 Petition to...
by  Marretta Mathes
13 Oct 2023 12:05 PM
1 Topics and 0 Replies Tribal Court Rules  1  0
R-14-0032 Rule 5(a), Ari...
by  nasha
26 Dec 2014 10:13 AM
1 0
R-14-0032 Rule 5(a), Ari...
by  nasha
26 Dec 2014 10:13 AM
5 Topics and 3 Replies Rules of Procedure for Judicial Review of Administrative Decisions  5  3
RE: R-20-0008 PETITION TO...
by  Yolanda Fox
01 Jun 2020 10:01 AM
5 3
RE: R-20-0008 PETITION TO...
by  Yolanda Fox
01 Jun 2020 10:01 AM
14 Topics and 5 Replies Rules of Procedure - Civil Traffic Violation Cases  14  5
R-21-0033 Petition to Ame...
by  Marretta Mathes
28 Jun 2021 11:42 AM
14 5
R-21-0033 Petition to Ame...
by  Marretta Mathes
28 Jun 2021 11:42 AM
5 Topics and 5 Replies Rules of Procedure in Traffic Cases  5  5
RE: R-15-0009 Petition to...
by  mmeltzer
29 Jun 2015 02:59 PM
5 5
RE: R-15-0009 Petition to...
by  mmeltzer
29 Jun 2015 02:59 PM
12 Topics and 45 Replies Justice Court Rules of Civil Procedure  12  45
RE: R-23-0049 Justice Cou...
by  Charles Adornetto
10 May 2024 07:15 PM
12 45
RE: R-23-0049 Justice Cou...
by  Charles Adornetto
10 May 2024 07:15 PM
3 Topics and 6 Replies Proposed Rules of Small Claims Procedure  3  6
RE: R-24-0001 Rules of Sm...
by  Charles Adornetto
14 Mar 2024 06:21 PM
3 6
RE: R-24-0001 Rules of Sm...
by  Charles Adornetto
14 Mar 2024 06:21 PM
24 Topics and 149 Replies Rules of Procedure for Eviction Actions  24  149
RE: R-24-0022 Petition to...
by  Andrew Patrick Schaffer
03 Jun 2024 06:39 PM
24 149
RE: R-24-0022 Petition to...
by  Andrew Patrick Schaffer
03 Jun 2024 06:39 PM
20 Topics and 4 Replies Local Rules  20  4
R-24-0043 Proposed amendm...
by  SharonYates
29 Feb 2024 03:53 PM
20 4
R-24-0043 Proposed amendm...
by  SharonYates
29 Feb 2024 03:53 PM
10 Topics and 5 Replies Rules of Procedure for the Commission on Judicial Conduct  10  5
R-24-0045 Rule 81 and Rul...
by  Amanda McQueen
17 Apr 2024 02:58 PM
10 5
R-24-0045 Rule 81 and Rul...
by  Amanda McQueen
17 Apr 2024 02:58 PM
4 Topics and 2 Replies Rules of Procedure for Judicial Performance Review  4  2
RE: R-23-0036 Rules of Pr...
by  Yolanda Fox
22 Jun 2023 04:08 PM
4 2
RE: R-23-0036 Rules of Pr...
by  Yolanda Fox
22 Jun 2023 04:08 PM
6 Topics and 1 Replies Uniform Rules of Procedure for Commissions on Appellate and Trial Court Appointments  6  1
R-23-0017 Rule 3.e. Unifo...
by  Kathryn Townsend
09 Jan 2023 07:11 PM
6 1
R-23-0017 Rule 3.e. Unifo...
by  Kathryn Townsend
09 Jan 2023 07:11 PM
1 Topics and 1 Replies Rules of Procedure for the Foster Care Review Boards  1  1  Supplemental Rules of the Foster Care Review Board
RE: R-20-0010 Rules of Pr...
by  J. Greene
27 Apr 2020 10:15 AM
1 1
RE: R-20-0010 Rules of Pr...
by  J. Greene
27 Apr 2020 10:15 AM
0 Topics and 0 Replies Child Support Guidelines  0  0

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